
Free Tempted by Megan Hart

Book: Tempted by Megan Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Hart
went to Ohio State to visit James and something happened, and they had a big fight. James came home for a week. A week! And then he went back to school and we never found out what had happened.”
    I couldn’t stop the smug smile wanting to creep over my mouth, so I hid it by loading some containers into the refrigerator. That was even worse than the eyeliner. That James had dared not to share every intimate detail of his life with them. That he had something they didn’t know.
    A secret.
    Of course, he had it from me, too.

Chapter 04
    I went to bed before the men did, and James woke me when he slid in beside me. He gave me a nudge or two, but I feigned sleep and soon his snoring buzzed over me. I’d been sleeping more peacefully before he came to bed, but now I lay awake listening to the noises all houses make in the night. The same creaks and groans, the ticking of an extra-loud clock. But tonight, something unfamiliar. The shuffle of feet in the hall, the flush of a toilet and thud of a door closing. Then the sound of sleeping again, the air heavy with it, and I let James pull me closer, until I fell back to sleep in his arms.
    He was up and gone in the morning before I woke. I lay in bed for a while, stretching and thinking, until the need for the bathroom forced me up and about. Alex was out on the deck already, a mug of coffee in one hand. His eyes swept the lake and back as a morning breeze ruffled the fringes of hair falling too long over his forehead. I painted an image of mid-80s high fashion on him with my mind, and it made me smile.
    “Good morning. I thought you might still be asleep.” I joined him as I sipped my own coffee. It was good. Better than I made it.
    I was getting used to his languid looks. I was getting used to him. His mouth tilted.
    “I’m all messed up from traveling. Time zones, jet lag. Besides, early bird and all that.”
    He gave me a grin so easy I had no choice but to return it. Side by side we leaned on the railing and looked out over the water. I didn’t feel like he expected me to say anything, and he didn’t, either. It was nice.
    When he’d finished his coffee, he lifted the empty mug. “So. It’s just you and me today.”
    I nodded. I wasn’t as worried about it as I’d have been the day before. Funny how being warned away from him made me feel that much more comfortable. “Yep.”
    He looked back out over the water. “Do you guys still have the Skeeter?”
    The Skeeter was the little sailboat belonging to James’s grandparents. “Sure.”
    “Want to take her out? We could sail across to the marina, hit the park, grab some lunch at Bay Harbor—be tourists for a day. My treat. What do you say? I haven’t been on a roller coaster in about a hundred years.”
    “I don’t know how to sail.”
    “Anne.” The look dipped down, one brow raised, his smile half a leer. “I do.”
    “I don’t really like sailing….” His look, that seductive, pleading, half-pouting look, stopped me.
    “You don’t like sailing?” He looked over the water again. “You live on a lake, and you don’t like sailing.”
    It did sound dumb. “No.”
    “You get seasick?”
    “You can’t swim?”
    “I can swim.”
    We studied each other. I think he was waiting for me to tell him what I really wanted to say, but there wasn’t anything I wanted to share. After a minute, he smiled again.
    “I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry.”
    “You’re an expert sailor?”
    He laughed. “They don’t call me Captain Alex for nothing.”
    That made me laugh. “Who calls you Captain Alex?”
    “The mermaids,” he said.
    I snorted. “Uh-huh.”
    “Anne,” Alex said seriously. “We’ll be fine.”
    I hesitated again and looked at the water, then the sky. It was a beautiful day, the only clouds white and fluffy sky-sheep. Storms could flare up fast, but it was only a twenty-minute sail across the lake to the Cedar Point Marina.
    “Sure, okay.”
    “Perfect,” Alex

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