Sparks of Chaos

Free Sparks of Chaos by kevin caruso

Book: Sparks of Chaos by kevin caruso Read Free Book Online
Authors: kevin caruso
looking buildings and even some castles. Gesturing to focus the display on the University area, he pointed to a five story structure that was only a few blocks from the school, “This is where the Professor lives. It is a senior housing unit that is used by retired University personnel. His wife died more than twenty years ago and he has no surviving children and as he has outlived most of his contemporaries, he is almost always alone. He does maintain an office at the University and walks there almost every weekday for at least a few hours a day,” He pointed to the office building and warned Chase to pay attention as he would be there tomorrow. “The information we have says that he may be suffering from mild dementia but it is unconfirmed and that the office is much more of a courtesy than for performing much work.”
    The questions he had regarding this whole operation were being collected in his head the way a squirrel gathers nuts for the winter. He knew better though than to interrupt the old dudes when they were talking as it tended to make them either angry or sarcastic and he wasn’t a big fan of either of those things. It was smarter to just keep quiet and see where this was going.
    “We do not have any pictures or video of the inside of his room at the senior home or of his office,” Armstrong continued. “We believe it will be too difficult to approach him where he lives, as the security is very tight and requires entrance past a receptionist who asks for ID from any visitors and keeps a log of all entries and exits. Our best time to approach him is when he is in his office, as it will be the only time to get him alone.” Bringing up a picture of a young girl he explained “This young woman named Birgit Freund is currently working as his secretary. You are to obtain an appointment with the Professor or somehow convince her to let you see him.”
    The girl was very pretty about his age or a little younger with long strawberry blonde hair that he was already imagining smelled like strawberries. She had a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose that he thought looked great on her. If he wasn’t mistaken she was the same girl he had seen in the video walking with the Professor down the street.  He was already looking forward to trying to convince her. He had a feeling this whole project of theirs was going to be much harder than it looked but at least he would get to go to Germany for the first time and probably see some fine frauleins.
    The briefing continued with Tedford explaining “That was the background information. It is time for us to review the action portion of this plan. You will arrive there during their early morning tomorrow. You will fit in with the rest of the students and begin to scout out the environment and plan your approach to the Professor. It should take you no more than a few days to find a way to speak with him and move on to the next phase of the plan. You will be given a script to read to the Professor to convince him to accompany you to the island.”  
    Finally interrupting him, Chase asked “What if he doesn’t want to go with me?”
    “We believe he will come willingly, you can force him if he doesn’t agree. Once he is here, we are very confident that he will wish to stay, if he chooses to return we have a way to return him as we have no wish to make our island a prison. As long as he has not been treated with the biobots we can simply put a memory block in place and return him with no danger to us.”
     “How exactly am I to force him to go?”
    Armstrong shut off the display and motioned for the Tasker to approach with the box he still held. Setting the box down it returned to the wall where it stood. Reaching into the box he handed Chase an ordinary backpack. Next out was a small stack of clothing and a pair of tennis shoes that would be useful in blending in with college students. He handed a brown leather wallet directly to Chase that contained a

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