Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers

Free Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers by N. J. Walters

Book: Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
small mounds.
"You are so responsive to my touch." There was wonder in his voice and suddenly
Sophia no longer cared that she wasn't that well endowed. He shifted his hands lower
so that he was cupping her, his thumbs stroking her nipples.
"Only with you." That was true. She'd never really gotten much pleasure out of a
man touching her breasts before. Partially because she'd always sensed her past
boyfriends' disappointment. There was none of that with Zane. He was staring at her as
if she were absolutely perfect. And for the first time in her life, she truly felt that way.
Leaning down, he captured her mouth with his, his kiss slow and languid as he
thrust his tongue inside and toyed with hers. As if he had all the time in the world, he
angled his face to deepen the kiss, taking his time and tasting every inch of her mouth.
Sweat broke out on her forehead. The man knew how to kiss. Sophia could feel her
inner muscles contracting and releasing, sending thick cream from her slit to coat the
outer lips of her pussy.
When he finally released her lips, she was gasping. She needed air, but she needed
him more. "Zane," she pleaded.
"Tell me what you want? Anything. Everything." His voice wrapped around her
like silken cords, keeping her captive to the desire growing between them.
She licked her lips. "I want you to touch me."
His lips moved down her throat and she arched her neck back, wanting him to
touch her everywhere. His sharp teeth nipped. Not enough to break the skin, but
enough, she knew, to leave a mark. It was a primitive way to mark her as his, but it was
also incredibly arousing.
"Here?" He licked the curve of her throat where it met her shoulder.
She shook her head. "Lower."
"Hmm." He nuzzled her throat before stroking his tongue over her collarbone.
"Lower." Grabbing his head in her hands, she pushed his head down until it was
poised in front of one of her breasts. His thumbs had been stroking around and around
her nipples in a lazy rhythm that were driving her crazy. "Suck it."
"My pleasure," he murmured as he opened his mouth and placed it over the
swollen tip. Moist heat surrounded her, sending bolts of pleasure from her breast to
between her thighs. Her pussy ached and she arched her hips against his, wanting,
needing the pressure of his erection against her moist, swollen folds.
His tongue flicked over the tip of her nipple, teasing it. She gripped his head
tighter, her short fingernails digging into his scalp as she tried to pull him even closer.
Zane took the distended peak between his teeth and gently bit. Sophia cried out and
tilted her head back against the wall. She wanted him now.
Frantically, her hands went to the front of his jeans, plucking at the button until it
opened. She pulled the tab of the zipper down and shoved aside his underwear. His
cock sprang forward and into her hand. She marveled at the length and width of it as
she stroked him from base to tip. He groaned, releasing her nipple in the process. He
captured her hand, pulling it away from him and brought it to his mouth, placing a hot
kiss in the center of her palm.
"I'm too close. I'll come if you keep touching me ."
"I want to touch you," she protested.
"Next time," he promised, and her stomach clenched. Next time. There would be a
next time for sure. "I want you, Sophia," he gritted out from beneath clenched teeth. "I
can't wait any longer." She realized then that his movements might have been lazy and
slow, but he was a man on the edge. It came to her then that he'd been giving her time,
making sure she was ready for him. It made her want him even more.
"Then don't wait."
His movements were jerky as he snapped the tie on her pants and shoved them
down her hips. They fell to the floor, trapped around her feet. Her plain white cotton
underwear followed. Then he spun her around until she was facing the wall. If he
hadn't been holding on to her she would have stumbled in the tangle of clothing
around her ankles. She struggled to get

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