Lover Unleashed

Free Lover Unleashed by J. R. Ward

Book: Lover Unleashed by J. R. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. R. Ward
closed door. “Doc Jane is going to find the guy. She’s a bulldog—”
    “You know what dawned on me about ten minutes ago?”
    “Even if it hadn’t been daylight, she would have wanted to go alone to find the guy.”
    As the male’s bonding scent wafted over, Butch thought, Well, duh. Jane and the surgeon had been tight for years, so if there was persuading to do, she’d have better luck on her own—assuming she could get past the whole back-from-the-dead thing. Plus V was a vampire. Hello. Like anyone needed another layer added to this mess?
    And on that note, all things considered, it would be great if the surgeon were five feet tall, walleyed, and had bear hair on his back. Fugly was their only friend if V’s bonded male side was being triggered.
    “No offense,” Butch murmured, “but can you blame her?”
    “It’s my twin .” The guy raked a hand through his black hair. “Goddamn it, Butch . . . my sister .”
    Butch knew more than a little something about how losing one felt, so yeah, he could feel the male on that front. And man, he was so not leaving the brother’s side: He and Jane were the only ones who had a prayer of derailing Vishous when he got like this. And Jane was going to have her hands full with that surgeon and her patient—
    The sound of V’s cell phone going off made them both jump, but the Brother recovered fast and there wasn’t a second ring before he got it up to his ear.
    “Yeah? You did? Thank . . . fuck . . . yeah. Yeah. I’ll meet you in the parking garage here. Okay.” There was a slight pause and V glanced over like he wished he were alone.
    Desperate to make like thin air, Butch looked down at his Dior Homme loafers. The brother was never really into the PDA or talking personal stuff to Jane if there was an audience. But given that Butch was a half-breed, he couldn’t dematerialize and where the hell could he run to?
    After V muttered a quick “bye,” he inhaled deep on his cig and muttered on the exhale, “You can stop pretending not to be next to me.”
    “What a relief. I suck at it.”
    “Not your fault you take up space.”
    “So she got him?” As Vishous nodded, Butch got dead serious. “Promise me something.”
    “You won’t kill that surgeon.” Butch knew exactly what it was like to trip on the outside world and fall into this vampire rabbit hole. In his case, it had worked out, but when it came to Manello? “This is not the guy’s fault and not his problem.”
    V flicked his butt into the bin and glanced over, his diamond eyes cold as an arctic night. “We’ll see how it goes, cop.”
    With that, he pivoted and punched through into where his sister was.
    Well, at least the SOB was honest, Butch thought with a curse.
    Manny really didn’t like other people driving his Porsche 911 Turbo. In fact, short of his mechanic, no one else ever did.
    Tonight, however, he’d allowed Jane to get behind the wheel because, one, she was competent and could shift without grinding his transmission into a stump; two, she’d maintained that the only way she could take him where they were going was if she were doing the ten-and-two routine; and three, he was still reeling from seeing someone he’d buried pop out of the bushes to hi-how’re-ya him.
    So maybe operating heavy machinery going seventy miles an hour was not a good idea.
    He could not believe he was sitting next to her, heading north, in his car.
    But of course he’d said yes to her request. He was a sap for women in distress . . . and he was also a surgeon who was an OR junkie.
    There were a lot of questions, though. And a lot of pissed off. Yeah, sure, he was hoping to get to a place of peace and light and sunshine and all that namby-pamby bullshit, but he wasn’t holding his breath for the kumbaya-all-cools. Which was ironic. How many times had he stared up at his ceiling at night, all nestled in his beddy-bye with his new Lagavulin habit, praying that by

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