The Vicar of Wakefield
know, are better than nothing.'
    By this time the unfortunate Moses was undeceived. He now saw
that he had indeed been imposed upon by a prowling sharper, who,
observing his figure, had marked him for an easy prey. I therefore
asked the circumstances of his deception. He sold the horse, it
seems, and walked the fair in search of another. A reverend looking
man brought him to a tent, under pretence of having one to sell.
'Here,' continued Moses, 'we met another man, very well drest, who
desired to borrow twenty pounds upon these, saying, that he wanted
money, and would dispose of them for a third of the value. The
first gentleman, who pretended to be my friend, whispered me to buy
them, and cautioned me not to let so good an offer pass. I sent for
Mr Flamborough, and they talked him up as finely as they did me,
and so at last we were persuaded to buy the two groce between

    Mr Burchell is found to be an enemy; for he has the confidence
to give disagreeable advice
    Our family had now made several attempts to be fine; but some
unforeseen disaster demolished each as soon as projected. I
endeavoured to take the advantage of every disappointment, to
improve their good sense in proportion as they were frustrated in
ambition. 'You see, my children,' cried I, 'how little is to be got
by attempts to impose upon the world, in coping with our betters.
Such as are poor and will associate with none but the rich, are
hated by those they avoid, and despised by these they follow.
Unequal combinations are always disadvantageous to the weaker side:
the rich having the pleasure, and the poor the inconveniencies that
result from them. But come, Dick, my boy, and repeat the fable that
you were reading to-day, for the good of the company.'.
    'Once upon a time,' cried the child, 'a Giant and a Dwarf were
friends, and kept together. They made a bargain that they would
never forsake each other, but go seek adventures. The first battle
they fought was with two Saracens, and the Dwarf, who was very
courageous, dealt one of the champions a most angry blow. It did
the Saracen but very little injury, who lifting up his sword,
fairly struck off the poor Dwarf's arm. He was now in a woeful
plight; but the Giant coming to his assistance, in a short time
left the two Saracens dead on the plain, and the Dwarf cut off the
dead man's head out of spite. They then travelled on to another
adventure. This was against three bloody-minded Satyrs, who were
carrying away a damsel in distress. The Dwarf was not quite so
fierce now as before; but for all that, struck the first blow,
which was returned by another, that knocked out his eye: but the
Giant was soon up with them, and had they not fled, would certainly
have killed them every one. They were all very joyful for this
victory, and the damsel who was relieved fell in love with the
Giant, and married him. They now travelled far, and farther than I
can tell, till they met with a company of robbers. The Giant, for
the first time, was foremost now; but the Dwarf was not far behind.
The battle was stout and long. Wherever the Giant came all fell
before him; but the Dwarf had like to have been killed more than
once. At last the victory declared for the two adventurers; but the
Dwarf lost his leg. The Dwarf was now without an arm, a leg, and an
eye, while the Giant was without a single wound. Upon which he
cried out to his little companion, My little heroe, this is
glorious sport; let us get one victory more, and then we shall have
honour for ever. No, cries the Dwarf who was by this time grown
wiser, no, I declare off; I'll fight no more; for I find in every
battle that you get all the honour and rewards, but all the blows
fall upon me.'
    I was going to moralize this fable, when our attention was
called off to a warm dispute between my wife and Mr Burchell, upon
my daughters intended expedition to town. My wife very strenuously
insisted upon the advantages that would result from it. Mr
Burchell, on the

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