
Free Claimed by Sarah Fine

Book: Claimed by Sarah Fine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Fine
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Adult
tonight were bombings.”
    Standing next to the couch, Cacy stroked her hand through Eli’s dark-blond hair, and he leaned his head against her hip, his eyes closing in something like relief. “Eli and Galena can stay with me,” she said.
    Aislin inclined her head. “That’s kind of you, but we have living quarters here as well, for visiting dignitaries. They’re quite comfortable. Galena, if yo u’d prefer to—”
    “ I’d rather stay with Cacy and Eli.”
    “Done,” murmured Cacy. She looked at Aislin. “And you’ll ensure protection for her until she makes her decision?”
    “I’ll try,” said Aislin. “Given tonight’s events, it seems that the rogue is determined to carve out a wide path of destruction. We have resources, but not enough to cover every possible place they might strike.”
    “And more innocent people could die,” said Galena. “Because of me.”
    Eli took her hand. “Don’t think like that. You have enough to worry about as it is.” He stood up, pulling Galena to her feet. “I’m taking them now. Aislin, we’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
    Eli’s hand suddenly went from warm to blazing hot, and with a rush of cold air, the Psychopomps office disappeared, replaced by an open living space with plush couches, shelves of real paper books, and quirky antique furniture. Galena wobbled on her feet, and Eli caught her. “Sorry. I know it takes some getting used to.”
    “I think you do it with style,” Cacy said. She rose to her tiptoes and kissed Eli’s cheek. “And your control is a lot better.”
    He grinned. “I’ve been working on it.”
    Cacy touched Galena’s arm. “I hope I didn’t massively overstep back there. I just want to make sure you’re protected.”
    “I know,” Galena murmured. “I appreciate it.”
    “You can stay in my guest room, okay?” Cacy gestured toward the hallway. “And we’ll be in my room. My guess is that Nader and Tamasin will be skulking around tonight, too, so you’re totally safe.”
    Galena swallowed and nodded. “I think I need to wash myself off. I’m pretty dusty. Do you have some extra water?” She hated to be greedy, but every time she moved, she felt the grit, and the suffocating memories of everything and everyone sh e’d lost tonight pressed in on her.
    Cacy smiled. “We’ve got running water twenty-four-seven, lady. You can take a nice long shower if you want.” Cacy glanced at Eli as she pulled Galena toward the hall. “Can you pop over to your apartment and grab Galena’s clothes and toiletries?”
    “Sure thing.” Eli gave Galena one last searching look, then vanished.
    “You must be ready to fall over,” said Cacy as she led Galena into a huge bedroom with floor-to-ceiling windows bedecked with flowing drapes. A large four-poster bed piled with pillows drew Galena’s eyes. It was like something out of an ad for a luxury hotel. Sh e’d never seen anything like it.
    Too bad she probably wouldn’t be able to sleep.
    “I’m used to being awake at all hours,” Galena mumbled. Her whole body hurt, a dull ache. Her skull felt like it had been stuffed with agar—smooth, gelatinous, and free of any intelligent thought. And that was kind of nice, actually. Excep t . . . “I guess I have a lot to think about.”
    Cacy sighed. “Yeah. I’m sorry that Dec bombed out of there like that. I didn’t think h e’d freak out.”
    Galena laughed, sudden and high-pitched. “Are you serious? H e’d just been asked to marry a total stranger.” Her throat grew tight. And have sex with her.
    “Well, when you put it like that, I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on him. But seriously, Galena, I know this is a completely bizarre situation. Eli was right when he said w e’d protect you regardless of what you decide.”
    But if they tried to protect her, would they be hurt, too? And how many more mortals would die? “I know,” Galena murmured. “I’m jus t . . . wel l . . . this kind of thing isn’t easy for me.”

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