Baby, Be Mine

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Book: Baby, Be Mine by Vivian Arend Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivian Arend
anyone was watching.
    Everyone else was far too interested in their conversation and their plates to spot anything. He leaned over slightly to whisper by her ear. “You know they love you to pieces. It’s going to be just fine, Katybug.”
    His use of her nickname made her lips twitch. But even more importantly, to his delight she snuck her hand over his, linking their fingers together and squeezing tightly in response.
    The sudden silence alerted him. All attention had turned their direction. Food and drink forgotten as five sets of dark eyes bore into him and Katy.
    “You two got something on your mind over there?” Clay’s question buzzed angrily in Gage’s ears.
    It was rather amazing how much disapproval could be put into such simple words.
    Katy took a deep breath, but before she could speak Gage decided what the hell. He’d sooner be skinned for the whole disaster, no matter what she’d said before.
    “Not a secret,” Gage announced. “We’re dating.”
    Other than her quick gasp of shock, there was no response to his comment. Not for a full five seconds. Then an uproar of noise hit from all sides.
    “The hell?”
    “Since when?”
    “Are you serious?”
    Over all the questions and cussing lay a deep, heavy rumble, starting low then increasing in volume until Mr. Thompson’s laugh broke through. He waved his sons off.
    “Calm yourself, boys. You really surprised by this?” He clicked his tongue. “Never thought I’d raised a pack of dullards. I saw this coming from a mile away.”
    Katy gave Gage a dirty look before facing her father. “What’s that mean?”
    The older man shrugged. “Means I’d seen you two making calf eyes at each other when you thought no one was looking. About time you came to your senses.”
    Clay stumbled to vertical, glaring daggers at Gage. “Bullshit. You can’t be dating Katy.”
    Gage stood to meet him eye to eye across the table. “Not your decision.”
    “She’s still recovering from the accident. She doesn’t need to get involved with anyone.”
    A stream of very creative swearing burst free from a most unexpected source. Gage waited cautiously until Clay looked away before also turning toward Katy.
    She’d stood as well, her much shorter status very clear as everyone loomed over her from where they’d all risen to their feet around the table. The vile language spewing from her mouth stuttered to a stop as she whipped out her finger and stuck it in her oldest brother’s face.
    “The accident happened two months ago. I. Bumped. My. Head. That’s it. I didn’t have a lobotomy or revert to childhood. I’ve had enough of you wrapping me in cotton and refusing to let me do anything on my own. Yes, I have gaps in my memory, and yes, dealing with that is a pain in the ass. But you, Clay”—she glared around the table to take in all her brothers—“ all of you, are even bigger pains. I did not break my brain, or my body. My sex drive did not vanish out the broken window, and I will not allow you, or anyone else, decide what will or won’t happen in my life.”
    Gage wasn’t sure the mention of sex was the wisest idea as eyes narrowed further, and fists were clenched. Only he couldn’t worry about that because she’d spun her fury toward him.
    “And you! You’re the biggest pain of them all. I told you I wanted to do this myself. You agreed, and now you just leap in and do exactly the opposite of what I asked for? Damn you.” Katy stepped back from the table, her eyes full of fire as she planted her feet wide and crossed her arms. “Gage and I are not going out,” she stated clearly.
    Oh, shit. She was more upset by his taking control than he’d expected. He reached for her, but she twisted from his grasp.
    “Forget it, Gage. We might be seeing more of each other in the future if you get your head out of your ass, but the only reason will be because you might be the father of my baby.”
    “ What? ”
    The question exploded from five male throats

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