Ignite (Midnight Fire Series Book One)

Free Ignite (Midnight Fire Series Book One) by Kaitlyn Davis Page A

Book: Ignite (Midnight Fire Series Book One) by Kaitlyn Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Davis
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, paranormal romance, Young Adult, Vampires, teen, strong heroine
it was Kira’s turn to try and wait patiently while Emma
sat with a furrowed brow and her chin resting on her hand. Kira
looked out at the school parking lot, which had completely emptied
during their conversation, and she was grateful to not have to
worry about eavesdroppers. The last thing she needed was to be the
talk of the school and to let her secret afternoon become public
knowledge. Kira ran her sweaty palms down the length of her pants,
trying to calm herself.
    "I have it," Emma’s entire face brightened as
she turned to Kira with a gleam in her eye. Kira was instantly
overjoyed to have Emma on her side, especially when she looked so
mischievous. "Today, in my English class, we got into groups of two
to read lines from Romeo and Juliet , something about how
hearing it gives it more meaning or whatever. Anyway, you’ll only
have about five or so minutes, but if you can trap Tristan and
force him to be your partner it might give you the time you
    "Emma, you’re a genius!" Kira grabbed the
girl’s shoulders, shaking them with glee. "I totally forgot when
Mr. Bell made that announcement at the end of class."
    "To distracted by your lover?" Emma asked
with a teasing grin. Kira tried to laugh it off, but the caught in
the act look was all over her face. "Seriously though, I need some
details. Was he a good kisser?"
    Kira had a quick flashback to being backed up
against the wall in his arms. "Yes," she said while biting her lip
to keep from smiling too widely.
    "Can I get some more details on that please?
A little play-by-play maybe? I can promise you, every girl in the
school wishes she was in my shoes right now, well more likely
yours, but still." Kira laughed and started giving up some of the
more intimate details about the romance of the location and how
they were yelling one moment then caught up in it the next. Emma
hung on her every word and sighed romantically at the appropriate
moments. It was the perfect ten minutes to Kira, who had been
thinking too many deep thoughts recently. She just wished she had
thought to supply some chocolate or peanut butter. One thing was
certain though, next time she needed to watch romantic movies like The Notebook , Emma would definitely be the one to call. She
needed another person besides her mother who could appreciate the
‘I want to cry because this is so heartbreakingly romantic’ sort of
    Eventually, Kira drove away from the school
and found her way back home, just in time to make dinner. She sat
her little sister on the counter as she prepared the chicken
picatta and heard all about Chloe’s day with her imaginary friend
Beth. Sometimes Kira wished she was still in those days of make
believe, but despite how nerve-wracking the past weeks had been,
she knew she was on the verge of figuring it all out. She just
needed a bit more patience.
    The next day, all Kira could think about was
how to put her plan into action. She barely spoke to her friends at
lunch and was silent during her walk to English with Luke. Just as
they were about to turn into the classroom, she stopped moving.
    "Hey Luke?" He turned when he heard her
speak. "I forgot something in my locker. I’ll meet you inside."
    He nodded and continued into the classroom.
She tried to walk at a normal pace, but quickly sped to her hiding
spot and peered around the corner of a locker to keep a lookout on
the classroom door. For a moment she was worried that Tristan would
be the one to sneak up on her, but Kira soon saw Mr. Bell enter the
classroom and Tristan was close behind. After he disappeared
inside, Kira made her way to the door, hoping that an open seat was
left next to Tristan and that all of this planning wasn’t for
nothing. She saw Luke at the front of the classroom with an open
seat next to him and Tristan two feet from her next to the other
open seat. She flashed an apologetic look at Luke and sat down
trying to look guilty at being late instead of smug at having
everything go

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