Ignite (Midnight Fire Series Book One)

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Book: Ignite (Midnight Fire Series Book One) by Kaitlyn Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Davis
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, paranormal romance, Young Adult, Vampires, teen, strong heroine
    Tristan didn’t glance at her, but she thought
she saw his arm muscles tighten in anger when she sat down a few
inches from him. Kira tried to act innocent and pulled out paper to
jot down some notes during the first half of class. Really, she was
losing all of her patience waiting for Mr. Bell to end the lecture
and start with the acting lessons. If he didn’t do it soon, she
knew her chance to trap Tristan for a few minutes would be lost.
She couldn’t really pull the ‘I left something in my locker’ act
again. Kira knew Luke would be suspicious. Finally, Mr. Bell walked
down the aisles assigning pairs and Kira let out a silent breath of
relief when she and Tristan were paired together.
    "Okay everyone, now that we’ve finished
reading the play, I want you all to practice reading Shakespeare
out loud. He was a playwright after all, his words were meant to be
spoken. I think the balcony scene will do since I paired you all in
coed groups. You are all hormonal teenagers, right?" The class
responded with a laugh and everyone opened their books to Act Two,
Scene Two. Tristan turned to Kira with what she could only call a
pained look, and tried his best to read some of the most romantic
lines ever written in a completely melancholic voice.
    "But soft what light through yonder window
breaks. It is the east and Juliet is the sun. Arise fair sun and
kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief that
thou her maid art far more fair than she." Kira couldn’t help but
laugh at him as he speedily grumbled out the lines without even an
ounce of passion.
    "You know this is supposed to be a love
scene, right?" He looked up at her with contempt while she tried to
swallow her smile.
    "Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed." He looked
back down at the page and continued to read aloud in his monotone
voice, totally ignoring her, which just prompted her to
    "Look, Tristan, there’s no point hiding the
fact that you like me, from me I mean. I flipped through your
notebook again after I saw that you’d left it behind. I saw the
drawings you made of me." He looked up at her then, and Kira handed
his small moleskin back to him, happy to at least have that out of
the way. For some reason, she thought he was looking at her like
she was an unruly child who wouldn't follow instructions. Where he
got that from, she had no idea, but he continued with his speech so
she continued talking over him.
    "They were really great actually, pretty
flattering," she smiled, hoping he would look at her again but he
didn’t. "Anyway, I think we should talk about what happened, not
here obviously, but somewhere where we can meet in private." They
both chose that moment to look around, and Kira saw they had the
attention of both Luke and Tristan’s friends. Yeah, she thought,
the classroom was definitely not the right place to have this
conversation, and she kind of hoped talking would lead to other
things like it had last time…
    He finished reading his lines. "Hey Juliet,
it’s your turn." He smirked.
    "Oh, right," she looked down at her book. "O
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo," she tried to copy his
apathetic style of reading and was secretly overjoyed when he
laughed at her.
    "I get it, I sounded like an idiot." She just
continued on, giving him the same silent treatment he had given
her. "Okay, here’s the truth Kira. We can’t talk here and we
shouldn’t even be talking now or maybe ever."
    "You told me that already." She stopped
    "Yet, you seem to have trouble understanding
it. English is your first language, right?" She rolled her eyes at
the joke. "Like I said before, we just can’t ever be."
    "I understand what you’re saying, but I also
know you don’t mean it." She leaned closer to him to prevent being
    "I do," he forced the point.
    "Oh really," she tried to push him now. "It
didn’t seem that way when you kissed me."
    "Kira, forget that ever happened, okay?"
    "Or what? You

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