Fatal Attraction

Free Fatal Attraction by Carolyn Keene

Book: Fatal Attraction by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
    â€œI don’t either,” Nancy whispered back. “What do you suppose they’re doing?”
    They were silent for a moment. The only sounds were the chirping of crickets in the grass. Then, suddenly, there was a low, half-strangled cry from somewhere inside the barn, then another.
    â€œIt’s Brenda!” Nancy whispered, the goose bumps rising on her arms. “She’s in trouble. Mike must be after her. Come on—we’ve got to get in there and help her!”
    Quickly, and as silently as she could, Nancy stepped through the dark doorway. The blackness overwhelmed her, and for a minute, she couldn’t see anything. Then, as her eyes got used to the dark, she could begin to make out the outlines of two figures, locked in what looked like a desperate struggle.
    â€œThey’re over there,” Ned whispered, grabbing her arm. “I can just barely see their shadows against the barn wall. It looks like he’s got his hands around her throat!”


    N ANCY TRAINED HER torch on the corner and switched it on. There, in the glare of the light, was Brenda, standing on tiptoe, her arms wound around Mike’s neck. She was kissing him passionately, utterly oblivious of anything else.
    But when the light hit them, Brenda gasped in surprise. Dropping her arms, she stepped backward, tripped over a bucket, and sat down with a loud oomph! in a pile of hay. Mike stood still, shielding his face from the light.
    â€œWho . . . who’s there?” Brenda stammered, panic-stricken.
    Nancy cleared her throat. “It’s . . . it’s NancyDrew,” she said. “And Ned Nickerson.” She flicked off the torch.
    â€œNancy Drew?” Brenda gasped. “What are you doing here?” Her voice rose shrilly. “How long have you been spying on us?”
    Nancy’s face was red. “I—I . . .” She swallowed. “Well, to tell the truth, Ned and I came out here for a little, well, a little privacy.” She laughed an embarrassed little laugh. “We used to come out here when we were still in high school. Isn’t that right, Ned?”
    Ned slipped his arm around her waist. “Yeah,” he said, in a reminiscent voice, “it’s always been one of our favorite places.”
    The moon came out just then, shining through the window. Nancy could see Mike’s face. He was watching them suspiciously. Had they tipped their hand? Did he know they were on to him?
    â€œWell, you’re not going to spoil my evening,” Brenda snapped. She reached for Mike’s hand. “Come on, Mike. Let’s find somewhere where we won’t be bothered by sneaks who get their thrills spying on other people.”
    Mike cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Well, actually, maybe it would be a better idea to call it an early evening, Brenda. I did a late set at Charlie’s last night, and I guess I’m more tired than I thought.” He glanced at Nancy. “AndI’m sort of out of the mood. I’m going home.’
    Brenda glared furiously at Nancy as she followed Mike out of the barn. “Just see what you’ve done!” she hissed. “You’ve messed things up again! Get out of my life and stay out!”
    â€œWhew,” Ned said as he and Nancy watched Brenda spin her wheels pulling out of the barn lot, close behind a disappearing Mike. “Well, at least Brenda’s safe for the rest of the evening.”
    â€œYeah,” Nancy said. “I wish we hadn’t jumped in on them so fast, but I really thought . . .”
    â€œI know,” Ned said, circling her shoulders with his arm. “But we accomplished what we came for, didn’t we? It’s really tough to be responsible for Brenda.”
    â€œAnd getting tougher all the time,” Nancy agreed. “Tomorrow I’ll check with the Batesville police to find out if they’ve got a

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