Loving My SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 10)

Free Loving My SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 10) by Crystal Perkins

Book: Loving My SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 10) by Crystal Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Perkins
a couple of straps, the back is bare. My shoes
are of the “fuck me” variety, and my makeup is just bold enough
to entice. I know I look good, and it’s time to start the show.
sway my hips and flip my hair as I walk in. Conversations stop as I
lick my lips. It takes Matt a moment to notice me, but when he does,
his eyes widen. I purposely look away to smile at one of the hot guys
checking me out. My heart may belong to just one man, but that
doesn’t mean I’m blind to the rest. Stella and Tegan would go
crazy in this place.
    “ Can
I buy you a drink, darlin’,” the guy asks, walking up to me.
    “ No.
You cannot buy her shit.”
was faster than I expected. Matt must be even more on edge than I
thought. He normally pretends to ignore me for at least a half hour
when we’re both at the same bar. I look him up and down, feigning
disinterest we both know I don’t feel.
    “ Maybe
he can.”
    “ Princess,”
Matt growls as he leans down to whisper in my ear. “If you want him
to live, you’re going to decline.”
    “ Who’s
going to fuck me tonight, then? I really need a good fuck.” I
whisper back.
his shoulder, I see his “friends” glaring at me. I throw them a
cocky smile. They may have had a chance with him tonight, but I’m
in it to win it. To win him. And I can’t let anyone get in my way.
    “ You’re
just going to let some random guy, touch you, be inside of you?”
I’m mad. “You had two women when I walked in here. If you can do
it, why can’t I?”
    “ Because
I’m already damaged beyond repair. Your soul is still beautiful.”
look up into the eyes of the man I’ve loved for ten years. I see
how the years—and the war—have hardened him. But he’s still
just as beautiful as he was when we met. Even with the lines on his
face, and the stubble he’s using to try and hide his angelic
features, I can see him. See who he really is. And that’s what
scares him the most.
    “ It’s
either him or you, Matt.”
    “ Damn
it, I’m not doing this with you again. I can’t.”
    “ You
can. You just won’t. So step aside and let me get the orgasm I
of moving back, he moves forward, crushing his mouth to mine. His
hands move into my dress, covering my breasts as he devours my mouth.
He breaks away and tries to scare me off. “The girls told me about
a sex club down the street. We can go put on a show if you’re up to
    “ Sure.
I can show what I’ve got,” I reply, knowing there’s no way in
hell he’ll let that happen.
    “ The
fuck you will. You’re mine, Reina.”
when it’s convenient for him, but I’ll take what I can get. “Use
me tonight, Matt. We both want it.”
    “ Hard.
It’s going to be hard, and rough.”
    “ I
takes his hands out of my dress, and throws some money on the bar,
before taking my hand in his. Then we’re moving. Through the bar as
the women call for him to come back, and out the door to the deserted
city street. Matt looks both ways, and then gets a wolfish smile on
his face.
    “ You
wanted this, and now you’re getting it.”
pulls me around the corner and into a dark alley. I think he’s just
going to take me against the brick wall, but he has other plans. He
lets go of my hand to jump up and pull down the ladder from a fire
escape, and the he’s lifting me onto it.
guides my upper body through one of the rungs, but instead of pushing
me down, he guides my hands up. My ribs, and the back of my neck are
pressing into the metal, and I know I’ll have some bruises
tomorrow. This is new—he’s been rough with me before, but never
like this. I know he’s testing me, seeing how far I’ll let him
take things. I also know that if I resist, he’ll stop, and go back
into the bar. I’m not about to let that happen, so I bend a little,
even though I can feel the bite in my ribs.
hear him unzip his pants, and then he pushes my thong to the side and
slams into me. We don’t

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