Penny Dreadful Multipack Vol. 1 (Illustrated. Annotated. 'Wagner The Wehr-Wolf,' 'Varney The Vampire,' 'The Mysteries of London Vol. 1' + Bonus Features) (Penny Dreadful Multipacks)

Free Penny Dreadful Multipack Vol. 1 (Illustrated. Annotated. 'Wagner The Wehr-Wolf,' 'Varney The Vampire,' 'The Mysteries of London Vol. 1' + Bonus Features) (Penny Dreadful Multipacks) by George W. M. Reynolds, James Malcolm Rymer

Book: Penny Dreadful Multipack Vol. 1 (Illustrated. Annotated. 'Wagner The Wehr-Wolf,' 'Varney The Vampire,' 'The Mysteries of London Vol. 1' + Bonus Features) (Penny Dreadful Multipacks) by George W. M. Reynolds, James Malcolm Rymer Read Free Book Online
Authors: George W. M. Reynolds, James Malcolm Rymer
this moment, Agnes’ narrative
was interrupted by a piercing shriek which burst from her lips; and extending
her arms toward the window of the apartment, she screamed hysterically, “Again
that countenance!” and fell back on the ottoman.

    In   order that the reader may
understand how Agnes could perceive any object outside the window, in the
intense darkness of that tempestuous night—or rather morning, for it was now
past one o’clock—we must observe that not only was the apartment in which
Wagner and herself were seated brilliantly lighted by the silver lamps, but
that, according to Florentine custom, there were also lamps suspended outside
to the veranda, or large balcony belonging to the casements of the room above.
     Agnes and Wagner were,
moreover, placed near the window which looked into a large garden attached to
the mansion; and thus it was easy for the lady, whose eyes happened to be fixed
upon the casement in the earnest interest with which she was relating her
narrative, to perceive the human countenance that appeared at one of the panes.
    The moment her history was
interrupted by the ejaculation of alarm that broke from her lips, Wagner started
up and hastened to the window; but he could see nothing save the waving
evergreens in his garden, and the light of a mansion which stood at a distance
of about two hundred yards from his own abode.
    He was about to open the casement
and step into the garden, when Agnes caught him by the arm, exclaiming wildly,
“Leave me not—I could not—I could not bear to remain alone!”
    “No, I will not quit you, Agnes,”
replied Wagner, conducting her back to the sofa and resuming his seat by her
side. “But wherefore that ejaculation of alarm? Whose countenance did you
behold? Speak, dearest Agnes!”
    “I will hasten to explain the
cause of my terror,” retorted Agnes, becoming more composed. “Ere now I was
about to detail the particulars of my journey to Florence, in company with the
Count of Riverola, and attended by Antonio; but as those particulars are of no
material interest, I will at once pass on to the period when we arrived in this
    “But the countenance at the
window?” said Wagner, somewhat impatiently.
    “Listen—and you will soon know
all,” replied Agnes. “It was in the evening when I entered Florence for the
first time. Antonio had proceeded in advance to inform his mother—a widow who
resided in a decent house, but in an obscure street near the cathedral—that she
was speedily to receive a young lady as a guest. This young lady was myself;
and accordingly, when the count assisted me to alight from my horse at the gate
of Dame Margaretha’s abode, the good widow had everything in readiness for my
reception. The count conversed with her apart for a few minutes; and I observed
that he also placed a heavy purse in her hand—doubtless to insure her secrecy
relative to the  
, with the existence of
which he was of course compelled to acquaint her. Having seen me comfortably
installed in Dame Margaretha’s best apartment, he quitted me, with a promise to
return on the morrow.”
    Agnes paused for a few moments,
sighed, and continued her narrative in the following manner:
    “Fortunately for me, Dame
Margaretha was a German woman, who had married an Italian, otherwise my
condition would have been wretched in the extreme. She treated me with great
kindness, mingled with respect; for though but a poor peasant girl, I was
beloved and protected by one of the most powerful nobles of Florence. I retired
early to rest:—sleep did not, however, immediately visit my eyes! Oh! no—I was
in Florence, but my thoughts were far away in my native Germany, and on the
borders of the Black Forest. At length I fell into an    uneasy slumber, and when I awoke
the sun was shining through the lattice. I arose and dressed myself, and to my
ineffable delight found that I was no longer to wear the

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