The Bronze Blade: An Elemental World Novella

Free The Bronze Blade: An Elemental World Novella by Elizabeth Hunter

Book: The Bronze Blade: An Elemental World Novella by Elizabeth Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Hunter
Kuluun’s children. My men are off limits to your rage.”
    “Then they shouldn’t pin me down and put a dagger to my neck.”
    “You will show respect!”
    “To who?” Her chin lifted. “To you? Fine. To Rashon? No.”
    Temur’s eyes flashed. “He is my second in command.”
    “And I, as you so often remind me, am Jun’s child.”
    His eyes narrowed. “So you are.”
    For once, it didn’t sound like a compliment.
    Saraal did everything she could to soften her voice. “I meant no disrespect to you. Perhaps it is better that I avoid Rashon. He does not like me or trust me.”
    No one liked her except Temur. And Saraal often thought he only liked her because he could fuck her. But she knew he didn’t trust her. She could see his eyes cutting to her every time she mastered another skill. The long sword. The bow. The spear. Would he still put up with her once she could fly?
    Because Saraal knew in her gut, once she could fly, she would be stronger than Temur. She sired no children like Temur did. Her strength was growing as his waned with each new warrior he made on his father’s orders.
    Temur stepped closer to her, and his eyes narrowed. “Give me your neck.”
    Saraal took a step back. In all their time together, all the times she had allowed his body into hers, he had never taken her blood. He’d never even asked.
    “No,” she said in a small voice.
    “No?” His eyes were starting to glow in anger again. “You don’t tell me no, Saraal.”
    “I don’t want you to bite me.”
    “I wasn’t asking.”
    Her heart began to race, and she saw Aday peeking from behind a tree. “Why are you doing this?”
    “Respect, Saraal.”
    “I give you my body anytime you want it.” She hated the quiver of fear in her voice. “I give you my respect. I don’t want to give my blood. If you’re hungry, take a human.”
    “I don’t want a human.”
    He was closer. Boxing her in. She looked to the sky, but she could not reach it, even though it called her.
    “Don’t. Do. This.” Saraal clenched her jaw and turned her head to the side when Temur backed her up against a tree. His large body pinned her in.
    “Give me your neck, Saraal.”
    She had allowed him to touch her. She had grown to enjoy it at times, since Temur seemed to care. She’d begun to reach for him, which he enjoyed even more.  
    “Please, Temur,” she whispered, dread coating her throat. “Don’t do this thing.”
    He bent down, put a hand to her throat, and sunk his fangs in her neck. Saraal closed her eyes at Temur’s groan of pleasure. The small portion of her heart that had softened to him died, even as the sensual pleasure of his bite washed over her.
    “ Tseetsa ,” he groaned. “So sweet.” He tugged at her clothes. She did nothing to stop him. He pushed her leggings down and untied his own, then he lifted her against the tree and slid his body in hers. The pain wrapped around her heart as he took her.
    She saw Aday leaning against a tree on the other side of the clearing, watching them both. Her mouth sneered, but her eyes reflected Saraal’s pain.
    “Just like the others,” Aday whispered. “I told you. He is just like the others.”
    When Temur was finished, he kissed her neck and licked the drops of blood from it. Then he kissed her again and ran a soft hand over her hair.
    “That was good, Saraal. I can feel you in me now.” He put his arms around her and took off into the air. Aday followed them. “I can sense you now. This is good.”
    But he hadn’t offered his own blood to her. No, Temur didn’t offer that kind of trust. After all, she might have been Jun’s child, but she was still just a woman. That much had always been clear.
    He flew them back to the camp, and left her at her tent, walking off in the direction of the humans. His hunger was piqued now. He would probably drink from at least one more human. Possibly more. And then he would fuck some human women. He usually wanted three or four in a night if

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