The Good Girl
would be walking around to my side, ever the gentleman. Was I so well-groomed that I had picked well, even when I didn’t mean to? He was supposed to be this bad boy, but so far he had surprised me with the breadth of his knowledge, his witty intellect, and the range of emotions for someone from our world.

    My door was soon opened, and he held out a hand to help me out. “Let’s go, Willow. No time to waste.”

    Standing on the driveway, I decided to put on my game face. “You’re right. Let’s do this.” Then I swallowed hard, completely unsure of what this was.

    Once inside, he began puttering around. He pulled the videos out of the bag and set them in front of the television. The toys, he unwrapped and placed in the nightstand, after carefully pointing out that there were none there previously. There were, however, condoms. I couldn’t help but give him a disapproving look.

    “Doll,” he began, “you knew I wasn’t a saint. You should be thrilled, however, that I am safe.” He walked over to me. “I’ve never been in anyone without protection.”

    “Never?” This seemed highly unlikely to me. “Ever?”

    Shaking his head, his face was completely serious. “No. That’s a big deal. I’d be risking getting someone pregnant. If that isn’t daring and selfish enough, I’d also be risking my health and my life. There are diseases out there.” He made a face of disgust.

    “Huh. I had you pegged as being more...daring,” I said with a shrug, but inside, my mind was reeling. He was a constant surprise. “Don’t you wonder what it feels like? Aren’t you curious?” Leaning in, I awaited a response.

    “Oh, absolutely, but when I finally do that, enter a woman naked, it will be someone I intend to marry, someone I love.” He smiled at me. “That’s some serious shit.”

    Truth. It was. Somehow, that made me like him a little more. Without thinking, I walked toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Wyatt smiled down at me slightly. It was obvious he was wondering what I was doing, where this was going. Honestly, I didn’t know. It’s not like I planned this. All I knew was that at the moment, I had to be close to him, had to have my lips on his. There was something truly perfect about the way his hands fit on my lower back, something magical in his touch. Up until now, I hadn’t been able to put a name to that feeling. Nothing in life had prepared me for it. This was lust.
    Capturing my lips with his, Wyatt groaned deep inside. The vibration went through me, tickling and shocking my lady parts awake. His hands roamed up and down my sides until the intensity of our kiss had him hauling my body as close to his as physics would allow. Again, I found myself melting into him, wanting all of him, more of him than I ever had before. My hands were in motion, one behind his neck, ensuring he could make no quick escape, the other felt the planes of his face, the angles of his jaw, until I had fingers knotted in his thick dark hair. Damn, he was good.

    Ever so slowly, reluctantly even, he finally broke off the kiss. “Why?” I whimpered in confusion.

    Gently he pried my hands from around his neck and held them in his. Kissing each hand affectionately, he gradually released me. “Twenty-nine,” he said, almost proudly.

    “What?” I asked as I shook my head, trying to clear it enough for thought. The kisses had blinded me almost as much as he was blindsiding me with this.

    “Your list,” he said simply. Then he turned and headed into the bathroom.

    “My list.” Walking over to the counter, I found that fucking list, right where we left it. There it was…#29: Making out with no sex long after you’re no longer a virgin. I was really beginning to hate that list.

    We had passed the remainder of the afternoon by snuggling on the couch reading erotica together. Initially, I had protested, but was reminded of the freaking list. Again, I was completely out of my element, but I could see

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