
Free Cole by Autumn Gunn

Book: Cole by Autumn Gunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Gunn
make these resources.  To do whatever it takes to get the tools to make you successful.  Successful in the ways that you choose.  But first you must build that foundation.
    You can open your eyes now.”  I was holding an 8x10 print of the moment I kissed the cobra.
    “As you can see, anything is possible.”  The kids gasped.
    “As Ms. Compton said, I am a Navy SEAL.  So is the man sitting to my right.  Mr. Justice.  Mr. Justice has changed my life.  More than just changed my life, he saved my life.  It’s time I return that favor.  I’d like to give that gift to each and every one of you here today.  Each and every one who wants to work with me.  Side-by-side.  To allow me to share the wisdom I’ve learned from the years of Navy SEAL training.  From the training from traveling all around the world.  From the training of living life.”
    I had slowly been increasing the speed of my speech.  I wanted to build to the ultimate moment and I think I had it.  Now or never.
    “In my pocket I have a list.  A list for anyone who would like to join me in training.  Training the body.  Training the mind.  Today I opened a gym.  Today.  Day one.  You can start on the first day.  Be a part of the original team.  Be a part of something new.  Something special.  Tonight at 7pm will be our first class.  It’s free to attend.  I don’t ask anyone to pay in anything but hard work and sweat for the first month.  I’m that sure of it.  Try it for one month.  See how well it works for you.  No risk.
    We will work hard this month.  We will exercise until you think you can’t exercise anymore.  But you will.  Your mind will overcome the pain.  You will be pushed to limits you didn’t know were possible.  And then you will blow past them.  You will be prepared.  You will be strong.  You will be ready.  For anything.”
    I stopped.  The children were still frozen in their seats.  Even Ms. Compton seemed a bit taken back.  No one spoke.  Then suddenly a small boy in the back of the class who had been leaning forward on his seat and desk did a combination slide and jump to his left to exit his desk and yelled “Awww” and ran to the podium.  It reminded me of a battle cry.
    “Mr. Callahan.  I’m ready.  I have my pen.  Where do I sign?”
    It was like a dam broke.  All the children poured out of their desks and engulfed the podium.  Commotion.  High-fiving.  Muscle flexing by some of the boys and even the girls.  Feeling each other’s biceps.  It had worked.  It was a success.  The kids were pumped up.  Now I just had to keep the momentum.
    “Remember.  When you sign you are giving your word.  Not only to me, but more importantly to yourselves.  Also you will need to check with your parents.  I encourage you to sign the form tonight, but make sure to check with your parents to make sure.”
    No one backed away.  I couldn’t image all the students showing up in a little under four and a half hours, but I liked their enthusiasm.
    As the children were taking turns signing the form I felt Ms. Compton’s hand on my back.  I turned and she motioned to join her on the other side of the room.
    “Cole, that was incredible.”  She held out her arm.  It was covered in goose bumps.  “When you first started I thought your intensity was too high for kids their age, but now that I think about it that’s just what they needed.  You met their energy level with one that’s even higher.  I don’t think they’re used to that.  I have to admit I was engrossed.  I literally forgot where I was.  It was like I was in the middle of a movie.  I think you hypnotized us with your intensity then motivated us beyond belief with your words.  Did I just have an out of body experience?  I may have.”
    We both laughed.
    “Adults are welcome too Carissa.  And I can definitely promise an in body experience when you try one

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