"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich

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Book: "Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich by Diemut Majer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diemut Majer
Tags: History, Germany, Europe, Eastern
Hauptabteilung Justiz (im Generalgouvernement) . Central Department of Justice (in the General Government)
Hauptkommission Warschau . Main Commission (for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland) Warsaw
Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (HTO) . Main Trustee Office East (agency established for the confiscation and administration of Polish and Jewish property in occupied Poland)
Heimtückegesetz (Gesetz gegen heimtückische Angriffe auf Staat und Partei) . Treachery Law (Law against Treacherous Attacks on State and Party), concerning minor political offenses against the state
Hitlerjugend (HJ) . Hitler Youth (youth organization of the NSDAP with the status of a Parteigliederung , or structural division)
Höherer SS und Polizeiführer (HSSPF) . Higher SS and police leader
Inlandsjude . German Jew (Nazi term for a Jew of German nationality or of German descent)
Innere Mission . Charitable agency of the Protestant Church in Germany
Judenrat (Judenräte) . Jewish Council(s)
Judenrein . Purged of Jews (Nazi term)
Jüdische Unterstützungsstelle für das Generalgouvernement . Jewish Aid Office for the General Government
Jüdisch versippt . Related to Jews through marriage (Nazi term)
Jugendgericht . Juvenile court
Kaiserreich . German Empire (1871–1918)
Kammer . Chamber, as Literature Chamber, Film Chamber
Kammergericht . Prussian Supreme Court
Kämpfer, alter . “Old Fighter,” an early Nazi Party member (before 1933)
Kennkarte . Identification card
Kollegialgericht . Court composed of several judges (as opposed to a single judge)
Kommandeur der SIPO und des SD (in einem Distrikt des Generalgouvernements) (KdS) . Commander of the Security Police and the Security Service (KdS) in a district of the General Government, under control of the Befehlshaber der SIPO und des SD in the General Government)
Kommunalverwaltung . Municipal administration
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD) . German Communist Party
Kreis . Administrative entity (roughly equivalent to a British or American county and comprising several local communities)
Kreishauptmann (pl. Kreishauptleute) . Administrative chief of a Kreis in the General Government
Kreisleiter . Party leader of a Kreis
Kultusgemeinde, jüdische . Jewish community
Lagebericht . Situation report
Land (pl. Länder) . State or province (as in a federal nation-state)
Landgericht . State court, of the second instance (dealing with more important criminal and civil cases than an Amtsgericht )
Landjägerei . Local police office
Landrat . Prefect (of a Kreis )
Machtergreifung . Seizure of power, the takeover of governing power by Hitler and the Nazi Party on January 30, 1933, and especially after the Enabling Act of March 23, 1933
Militärstandgericht . Summary court-martial
Ministerialblatt: Reich Ministerial Gazette
Mischling . Person of mixed descent, half-breed (in Nazi terminology, a descendant of Jewish and Gentile parents or grandparents)
Nachlaßgericht . Probate court
Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion . Night and Fog Action (secret actions of Wehrmacht and judiciary officials against foreign nationals accused of “punishable offenses against the Reich.” Such persons were brought secretly [“by night and fog”] and adjudged by special courts.) (Nazi term)
Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund . National Socialist German Students’ League (affiliated organization of the NSDAP)
Nationalsozialistischer Rechtswahrerbund (NSRB) . League of National Socialist German Jurists (affiliated organization of the NSDAP) (NSRB)
Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) . National Socialist Welfare Organization (affiliated organization of the NSDAP) (NSV)
NS-Frauenschaft . Nazi Women’s League (affiliated organization of the NSDAP)
NS-Gliederung . Structural division of the NSDAP (e.g., the Hitler Youth or the SS)
NS-Kraftfahrerkorps (NSKK) . National Socialist Motor Corps
Oberbürgermeister . Lord mayor
Obergericht . Superior Court (Court of appeal in the General Government)
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