"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich

Free "Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich by Diemut Majer

Book: "Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich by Diemut Majer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diemut Majer
Tags: History, Germany, Europe, Eastern
National Socialist German Jurists (after 1936, National Socialists Jurists’ League [NSRB])
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) (1896) . (German) Civil Code (1896) (in force since January 1, 1900)
Bürgermeister . Mayor
Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern (seit 1936 in Personalunion mit Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler) . Chief of the German police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior (since 1936 in personal union with the Reichsführer -SS, Heinrich Himmler)
Denkschrift . Memorandum
Deutschblütigkeit . German-bloodedness (Nazi term)
Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) . German Labor Front
Deutscher Dozentenbund . German Lecturers’ Association (professional federation affili ated with the NSDAP)
Deutsche Rechtsfront . German Law Front (organization of all jurists under the control of the NSDAP)
Deutsches Beamtengesetz (DBG) . German Civil Service Code (1936)
Deutsches Obergericht . German Superior Court (court of second instance in the General Government)
Deutsches oder artverwandtes Blut . Of German or related blood (Nazi term)
Deutsche Volksliste (DVL) . German Ethnic Classification List (established in the Annexed Eastern Territories for the racial classification of persons of German descent)
Deutsche Volkspartei (DVP) . German People’s Party (a liberal party in the Weimar Republic)
Deutschstämmige . (Polish or other) nationals of German descent (Nazi term)
Deutschtum . “Germanness” (Nazi term)
Distrikt, Kreis . District (orig. Austrian), the grouping of several counties ( Kreise ); the General Government was divided into five districts
Doppelstaat, Der . The Dual State (a formulation used by the German lawyer Ernst Fraenkel, who was forced to emigrate during the Nazi era. By this term Fraenkel wanted to show the peculiarity of the National Socialist state: the normative side, the world of written law, on one hand, and the unrestricted powers of the executive, without any legal basis, on the other hand)
Durchführungsverordnung (ident. mit Ausführungsverordnung) (DVO) . Implementing decree (an executive decree providing detailed regulations in the execution of a law)
Ehedarlehen . Marriage loan(s)
Ehefähigkeitszeugnis . Certificate of Marriageability (a certificate proving eligibility for marriage within the Nazi racial context)
Ehegesundheitsgesetz . Marital Hygiene Law
Ehetauglichkeitszeugnis . Certificate of fitness for marriage
Eheunbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung . Certificate of nonobjection to marriage
Ehrenbrief . Document conferring honorary citizenship
Ehrengericht . Disciplinary court
Einheitsgesetz (Gesetz über die Einheit von Partei und Statt) (1934) . Unity Law (Law to Secure the Unity of Party and State) (1934)
Einsatzgruppe(n). lit . Special duty squad(s) of the Security Police and SD in the Occupied Eastern Territories; in the Soviet Union these were mobile killing units that murdered Jews, Gypsies, political functionaries, and the mentally handicapped
Erbgesundheitsamt . Office for Hereditary Health
Erbgesundheitsgericht . Hereditary Health Court
Erbhof . Farmer’s entailed estate, a hereditary farm (in the Nazi context, an agricultural holding reserved to farmers of “German descent”)
Erbkrank . Congenitally ill, afflicted with an hereditary disease
Erlaß . Administrative decree, administrative order, administrative directive
Ermächtigungsgesetz vom 23. März 1933 . Enabling Act of March 23, 1933
Ernste Bibelforscher . Jehovah’s Witness(es)
Freikorps. lit . Free Corps (a voluntary military organization not attached to a larger body of troops; in the German context, those volunteer bands, largely composed of nationalistic officers who coalesced after the dissolution of the German Imperial Army in 1918)
Fremdarbeiter . Foreign workers (used for all “non-German” workers in the Third Reich)
Fremdvölkisch . Alien (i.e., “non-German,” Nazi term)
Frontkämpfer . Frontline soldier, here a participant in World War I
Führererlaß . Führer
Führererlass über die Gliederung

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