Rocked Under

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Book: Rocked Under by Cora Hawkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cora Hawkes
narrowed, "How many guys have you been with?"  
    My face grew warm and I knew I had turned bright red, "That's none of your bloody business," I snapped and looked away.
    I heard him suck in his breath quickly so I looked up.
    His expression had sobered and he cocked his head slightly, "You're a virgin." His voice had turned soft. It wasn't a question; it was a statement.

    I was so embarrassed my face was flaming hot. "I–" I crossed my arms "–that's a really personal question, Scott." I snapped.
    "How the fuck did you do that?" I didn't like the way he was looking at me as if I was subject matter in a test tube.
    "What?" I snapped again.
    “ How have you not been with anybody, Emma? I mean, fuckin' look at you."
    I sighed, “Look, I just never felt that strongly over someone, okay?” I shrugged like it was no big deal but it was.  

    "Does Adam know?" he asked, serious now, his voice lowered.
    "Yeah," I murmured, "he doesn't mind waiting, he doesn't think it's that big of a deal."
    Scott was looking at his feet and he nodded before looking up. His eyes found mine and held. There was something lurking in them but I couldn't put my finger on it.
    "It is a big deal, babe. You don't know how fuckin' rare virginity is at your age," he swept his hair back, "don't waste your first time, it's something you'll never forget."  

    I didn't want to talk about this anymore so I looked at my watch and shook my head to make a show of being shocked at the time, "It's really late so I better go.”
    "You don't have to go; you can crash in my room if you want — with me." His cocky grin appeared.
    I froze and frowned at him.
    He raised his hands, "Don't hit me, I'm kidding." He laughed. "But seriously, I'll sleep on the couch if you want to stay."
    I thought about it. What would Adam think about me sleeping in Scott's bed? If it was him sleeping in another girl’s bed I'd be mad as hell.
    I forced a laugh, “I’ve only got to walk down the stairs but thanks anyway.”  

    Once I got into bed, I couldn't get my thoughts away from Scott and what my first time would be like if it was him. I tossed and turned for a few hours with unwelcome, steamy images playing behind my eyes. When would I get over it? Scott was a friend for christ's sake and I was starring alongside him in a bloody porno almost every night as I fell to sleep. Did [o ss a friendhe do the same? Of course he doesn't. He has a girl there most nights, why the hell would he think of me?

Chapter Nine

    Scott’s door was ajar so I went through slowly, tapping on the door as I passed it.
    “Hello?” I called to the empty lounge.

    Ash and I had been shopping when my phone beeped, alerting me to a new message. It was Scott and he wanted me to see him when I got back. I knew what he wanted straight away, it was obvious after last night but the question would be; should I? I hastily tapped out a text saying that I was shopping with Ash and that I'd be a couple of hours. I debated for a few seconds whether to add a kiss on the end because I usually did with everyone else, so I did.

    “Come in, babe," I heard from the kitchen, "be there in a minute."
    I made my way to the couch and flopped down. I looked around for any mess but I couldn't see any. How the hell did this guy have a tidier place than me? I shook my head. He really was almost perfect. Scott came in with two mugs of coffee. His dark, glossy hair was damp from a shower and he wore a pair of old torn jeans low on his hips. How could any one person look so sexy without even trying? His muscles moved fluidly with him, he didn't have an ounce of spare skin anywhere.  

    "Coffee?" he set the mug down in front of me, the sofa dipped as he sat next to me.  
    He relaxed and threw an arm over the back of the sofa where I was sat. Heat emanated from his bare arm to my nape sending warm tingles through me.
    "Thanks," I reached forward for the mug and took a hesitant sip, careful not to burn my mouth. "I know what you

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