Rocked Under

Free Rocked Under by Cora Hawkes

Book: Rocked Under by Cora Hawkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cora Hawkes
had been leaning with his arms crossed. Then, without taking his eyes off me, he took my hand and led me to the balcony doors. He broke eye contact as he opened the doors and the cool night air hit me instantly as he pulled me outside onto a large balcony with two chairs and a table.
    His hand was sending tingles up my arm; little flames danced along my skin. I pulled my hand out of his and he frowned.
    "That's much better." I hated the silence between us. I wanted him to say something.
    "You’re fuckin' talented, babe," he spoke hoarsely.
    "Hm… Thousands of pounds worth of lessons so I hope I am talented by now," I smiled brightly to dull the charged atmosphere a bit, "I haven't played for a while," I looked out over the town, "and I hate playing for people." I bit my lip.

    I heard him inhale quickly, then a hand came under my chin and turned my gaze back to his. "Teach me,” he said simply.
    Awareness coiled in my stomach when he touched me. It was quiet out here and dark and worst of all; we were alone. I wanted to go back inside.
    "Teach you?" I looked confused, "Teach you to play the piano?" I was surprised he would ask me. "Are you serious? I've never taught anyone anything."
    "Yeah, I'll pay you for your time."  
    Could I teach someone? I'd never tried to teach anyone to play before. I had always been the student.  
    "If you're willing to pay then why don't you pay a professional to teach you?"  
    "You are a professional, babe,” he cocked his head seeming confused, "don't you know that?"  
    "Maybe, but I've never taught anyone before," I didn't know if it was a good idea. Actually, it was a terrible idea.
    "Just think about it."  

    So, he wanted me to teach him to play the piano. Money he [ano">

    "I wish we'd caught that on camera," I giggled.
    "She does it all the fuckin' time," he said as he passed me a beer. We had moved to the kitchen after the movie. He leaned against the counter opposite me with his hands buried in his front pockets watching me with a faint smile.
    “Where’s your dad anyway?” I took a swig from the bottle.
    "He lives in the city to be closer to the office."  
    "Did he remarry after your mum left?"  
    "He wasn't married to my mom, he was already married but they were separated." He smiled, "My dad was forty when he met my mom. She was half his fuckin' age." He shook his head, "Big fuckin' mistake. When he found out she was pregnant, apparently, he was over the moon but my mom wasn't. Anyway, a few months after I was born she left. My dad bought me up. He never remarried although there have been women but he's never settled. He just put all his spare time in on me," he smiled softly as he spoke.
    "He sounds great."
    "Yeah, he is. He's in his early sixties now but he refuses to retire," he rolled his eyes and looked at me.

    "How long have you lived on your own for?" I was curious about him. He never really talked about himself and I found that I wanted to know more.  
    "Since I was seventeen," he came to lean on the kitchen counter beside me.
    "And you're twenty-two now?"
    "Uh-huh," he bent his head in a nod.
    "You’ve been alone a while then, don't you get lonely?" I frowned feeling sorry for him and then my eyes widened, "Oh wait! Here I was feeling sorry for you but I totally forgot that you're hardly ever alone." I laughed but it didn't sound right. "You have a girl here every night."  
    He actually cringed and looked to the floor in what I thought was shame.
    I carried on, "I bet you get any girl you want." I said playfully to hide my very real and annoying curiosity. "Have you ever been turned down?"  
    I was feeling brave but I just didn't understand it. How could anyone live like that?  

    He looked up with a sheepish smile and shook his head at me, "I'm not talking about that sh [abop wit with you, Emma,” he laughed and looked away.
    "Why not? Do you even know how many girls you've slept with?"
    "What about you, babe?" his attention turned towards me and his eyes

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