The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
    "Come on. The limo is waiting. I have a table
reserved at Le Petit Choux and I don't want you to have to rush
your dessert."
    Beth didn't say a word as he took her hand
and led her to the car. On the way out a Fame TV camera crew had
just arrived. Chauncey Tales jumped from the van and ran towards
the couple.
    "Beth! Jason! A few words about your
relationship. It's Chauncey from Fame TV."
    They were almost in the car, the driver just
about to shut the door and deny Chauncey her daily scoop when Jason
stopped him and gestured to Chauncey to come closer.
    "Is Beth is wearing panties today Jason?"
Chauncey couldn't keep the sly grin off her face. If Beth or Jason
lashed out at her or her camera crew it would be network gold.
    Jason stared at Chauncey for five long
seconds. The reporter held her breath. He was a big man and very
powerful. She was taking a risk but the payoff could be
tremendous--viral, YouTube clips making millions for her employers
and putting her at the top of the pile in her department.
    Jason cracked his stern gaze into a winning
smile and then without a word turned to Beth and gave her a long
slow, loving kiss. When he released her she looked stunned.
    "Did you get that shot Chauncey?"
    "Wow Jason, that was steamy! I think I'm
getting a hot flash just standing next to you guys."
    Jason winked. "If that's all Chauncey, Beth
and I really have to go. We're doing lunch at Le Petit Choux if you
want to follow us over and then later we're going lingerie shopping
but I can't disclose the location. You'll have to do a little work
to find out where that is."
    "Lingerie shopping? Is that because Beth
still has a bare butt today?"
    "Do you hear me complaining?" He smiled and
winked again. "Why do you think I only ever watch the Channel Five
    The couple disappeared into the limo and sped
away. Chauncey turned back to her camera crew.
    "There you have it folks. Looks like New
York's sexiest eligible bachelor is off the market, at least
temporarily. What is it that news reporter Beth Lindsay has that
cast the magic spell on her billionaire lover? Tune in to find out
all the latest in our special Beth Lindsay health, beauty, sex and
romance tips montage later on today. Looks like we have found our
It Girl of the week. Chauncey Tales, over and out."
    Inside the car Beth sat as though in a dream
holding her flowers. She was in the middle seat of the limo because
of the booster seat which was still there from the night before.
She glanced at it and put the flowers down on the seat. As far as
she knew none of the three Demovic brothers had children. Her
reporter's nose for a story began to get the better of her.
    "Jason." She said, her voice still breathy
from the surprise of being kissed not once but twice by the dream
guy of half the women in the country. "What's with the booster
seat? Can I put that thing down on the floor or something?"
    When he looked at her his expression had
changed and his eyes shot through her but this time not with
affection. She shivered involuntarily.
    "Leave it where it is." He said sternly.
    She nodded her head in mute shock.
    "Do you understand?" He repeated.
    "Yes. I understand." She answered
    The bouquet of flowers slid slowly down to
the floor. Jason watched them fall without a move to prevent
    He took out his personal cell phone--the
ultra secret secure line for family and close friends only.
Scrolling down he quickly found the name he was looking for.
Glancing outside he watched the city flow past outside and felt a
deep knot of anxiety grip the pit of his normally fearless
    I've got to get out of here. He
thought and began tapping an urgent message into his phone.
    David hesitated, Melissa held her breath.
    "Uh, okay, sure, even better." He said
finally. She breathed a sigh of relief.
    "Eight it is." David continued. "And
    "Wear something sexy."
    Melissa froze in her chair, rigid

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