The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
therapist is the only one who can help
me but she's refusing to work with me. Besides, it’s not her
therapeutic skills I need-- it's her . She's the cure. She's
the only woman who's made me feel like this in three years, or
maybe ever. So look, are you going to help me out or not?"
    Zach was listening alright, but he didn’t
like what he was hearing.
    "It's not as simple as it sounds Jay. There's
a legal process in place here and most of it was initiated by me.
We can't just ignore all that."
    "Since when did things like legal processes
ever get in your way? The rebel hacker guy? Don’t tell me
you wouldn't do the same if you found something you wanted. The
only person I know in the world who's more obsessive than me is you
or maybe our crazy little brother Harrison, but don't lie to me and
tell me you don’t fully understand what I'm talking about
    Zach didn’t respond. Like his older brother
he couldn’t be rushed or intimidated into anything. He would take
his time to consider even if his quick and decisive mind and
inevitably found an answer in short order.
    "No way. I won't help you. Not like that
anyway. This isn't a game or a software program, this is our
family, this is you and this is Demovic Inc. You need to rethink
    Jason's jaw tightened. He knew his brother
well and he had counted on his willingness to help him where
hardball logic or begging would have failed. This was all new for
him. The opposition of the board, the refusal of Dr. Price to cave
in and cut a deal and now his brother standing firm against him--he
was beginning to feel like an animal being backed into a
    But he still intended to get exactly what he
wanted, even if he wasn't sure quite how just yet.
    "Okay Zach. I understand, I won’t ask you to
do anything that would risk your position, but at least promise me
that you will lay off until Dr. Price and I have a chance to work
things out more clearly between us. I absolutely guarantee that if
it's Demovic Inc and my mental health that you're worried about
then this is the way to go."
    Zach let out a long sigh of resignation.
    "You're an asshole Jay, but I'll hang back
for now if you promise me one thing."
    Zach knew as well as everyone else in the
close knit family circle that a promise from Jason was iron
    "Shoot." His brother said.
    "Promise me you won't sleep with her."
    "Screw you Zach. God damn it. Since when do
you get to tell me who I can and can't sleep with?"
    "Since you signed an agreement to work with a
therapist to resolve your emotional issues. Since then."
    "I need to fuck this woman and she is the
first one in three years who's come even close to making me feel
like this. Don’t you get it? This is the key to the whole
    "You're telling me if you fuck her then
you'll stop throwing away the companies money? Is this thing really
that crazy?"
    There was no answer.
    "I don’t get the connection Jason. Is that
what you're telling me or not?"
    "It's not that simple."
    "Well the terms of the contract you signed
are pretty damn simple. She's therapist number three. Work with
her. Do not fuck her. Understand?"
    Jason cursed under his breath.
    "Promise me Jason. I want to hear you say
    If he made the promise he had to keep it.
That was his way. It had always been his. It was a part of who he
was like a lung or the beat of his heart.
    "Shit. Fuck you Zach. Okay. I promise I won’t
sleep with her, but there's a time limit on this. Do you understand
me? Dr. Price has some personal issues of her own. She has a
hearing coming up next week which could be compromised by us being
together so I'll hold off until then. That gives you until Tuesday.
After that I will do what God damn I please and you can do all the
suing you want if you really want to go down that route. You know I
won’t make it easy for you."
    "It's a deal. We'll talk Tuesday. You call me
on Tuesday because I'm not saying you have permission to fuck her
then either but if you're

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