Bet on Ecstasy

Free Bet on Ecstasy by Stacey Kennedy

Book: Bet on Ecstasy by Stacey Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Kennedy
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
wiping the sweat off his forehead. “Sweetheart, leaving you is the last thing on my mind.”
    WITHIN THE DARKNESS, Kyra heard footsteps, but she couldn’t tell if they were Smith’s leaving or Brock’s returning. She could only stand near what she knew was the staircase as the warm air caressed her naked flesh. Her entire body shook from the inside out. Even her muscles were weak, and her body hummed in happiness from two impressive orgasms. The inability to see left her somehow excited and frightened.
    Part of her wanted to remove the blindfold to see the view around her, the other—naughtier—part didn’t. She’d always wanted someone to blindfold her, but none of her ex-boyfriends had ever asked. Smith had asked her permission, yet he’d also held the tie in his hand as if he’d planned to persuade her if she refused. Somehow, that confidence he had exuded mixed with the naughtiness excited her.
    The footsteps drew closer, and Kyra tilted her head, trying to identity who approached. Then she heard someone walking around her and her heart hammering in her ears, and that was about it. The warm air brushed over her skin as the person settled in front, and then the blindfold tightened with her smile as she recognized the who by her now.
    She hadn’t expected to know the difference, but even with the blindfold, she discovered she could tell the men apart. It surprised her how connected she felt to them, how comfortable she was standing there naked for them. When a finger slid over her shoulder and down her arm, she knew Brock stood with her.
    Smith’s hands were gentle, yet determined. Brock’s touches were teasing, but confident. Maybe some wouldn’t notice the subtle difference. It seemed she did. The light tickling touch drew a shudder from her that had her inhaling, and she realized even their smells were different. Smith smelled like lemon mixed with sandalwood. Brock smelled like citrus and musky tones.
    The latter was all that consumed her.
    A low chuckle sent a hot wave of heat pooling low in her belly. “Damn, kitten, you’ve proved me wrong.”
    She shivered under his playful touch along her spine. “Wrong?”
    Brock’s minty breath caressed over her face. “I didn’t think you could possibly get me any harder, but…” He rested his erection against her thigh. “Do you feel how hard I am?”
    “Very hard,” she rasped.
    “Indeed,” he murmured.
    What interested her more was that his erection wasn’t covered by his pants. Brock was naked and had already put on a condom. Tonight, the men weren’t playing around, nor were they letting her own the show. They controlled the moment, and right now, she liked that.
    In fact, she wanted more.
    Could this night possibly sate her?
    Brock wrapped his hands around her shoulders, then eased her forward. Within only a few steps, he pulled her to a stop, and whispered in her ear, “There’s a chair in front of you. Reach down and grab the armrests.”
    Kyra leaned forward, and with Brock’s help, wrapped her fingers around the armrests. Then Brock’s cock nudged her entrance and only another second after that—without saying a word—he shoved his cock into the depths of her.
    She was ready for him. In fact, she’d never been so wet.
    Kyra wondered if her orgasm at the table had revved the men up, because both Smith and Brock appeared to show no patience. Then she wondered if it was her, blindfolded, and naked in the foyer, which caused their primal advances.
    Whatever the reason, she liked the rewards.
    She liked being the center of their attention.
    A slap against her bottom drew her out of her thoughts and into Brock’s control. He gripped her ass cheeks and squeezed them tightly as he thrust in and out. The force as well as the speed with which he pumped into her indicated he intended for this lovemaking to be quick and hard.
    Brock’s deep grunts only increased the rise of her pleasure. She loved his manly

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