Trapping a Duchess

Free Trapping a Duchess by Michele Bekemeyer

Book: Trapping a Duchess by Michele Bekemeyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Bekemeyer
“No reason. I just wondered if he. . .” Her gaze dropped to the floor. The question made her feel like the child both Simon and Andrew had accused her of being.
    “Wondered what Soph?” Alex asked, moving to her side.
    “I was awful to him, Lex.” Her shoulders slumped.
    “You mean last night?” She asked, turning around so Sophie could tie her laces. “I daresay he deserved it.”
    Sophie set her fingers to work. “No, not last night. I mean I was awful to him last night. But I’m talking about all those years ago. It may sound silly, but I haven't thought about the actual wedding day in a long time. With him an ocean away, torturing myself seemed pointless. But seeing him again has brought it all back and I feel like a horrible person. What kind of coward leaves a man standing at the altar?”
    Alex turned around, interrupting the movement of Sophie’s hands and causing the laces to loosen. She gripped Sophie’s arms and leaned in until their foreheads were touching. Her voice was firm. “You are not horrible, my dear. And you certainly aren't a coward. You were simply young and afraid and confused. I am sure Drew understands that as much as anyone else does. Honestly, I think he is just glad to have some closure. A burden has been lifted off his shoulders, and yours. Now that the gossips have been satisfied, you can begin your lives.”
    Sophie gave her an appreciative squeeze before turning her back around to finish her laces. “Time will heal all,” Alex continued. “Perhaps one day you shall even be friends.” She turned and offered a brilliant smile. Her eyes twinkled hopefully.
    Sophie tried to match Alexandra's enthusiasm. Even if she and Andrew never became friends again, they would still be friendly; that alone should make her happy. Why, then, did she not feel happy?
    “You know what will ease your mind?” Alex asked as she pulled on her coat. “A shaved ice. Gunter's is just a few minutes walk. And the air might do you good.”
    “Well, it certainly couldn't make me feel worse,” she said as she grabbed her reticule.
    The line at the famous shaved ice shop was wrapped out the door and down the street. “I have never seen it like this,” Sophie said as they approached. “I wonder what has happened.”
    “I have no idea,” Alex said, regarding the queue with a sigh.
    “Excuse me, sir,” she said to a gentleman waiting at the end, “do you know why the line is so long?”
    “Mr. Gunter is premiering a new flavor today,” the elderly man answered in an excited voice. “Mango.” His eyes widened as he said the word, as if that particular flavor of ice would be served in the Holy Grail itself.
    Sophie choked back a laugh and offered a proper grin in its stead. “Mango? How interesting.”
    Alex tapped her on the shoulder, pointing toward a group of people nearest to the doorway. “Look. Simon is there with Lord Courtland. Let’s join them,” she said, taking Sophie’s arm and tugging her in that direction.
    “That is cheating, Lex,” Sophie said with a laugh. “Besides, I thought you were angry at my brother.”
    “He doesn't know that,” Alex said as they approached. She slid in next to Simon and gave him a forceful nudge in the back. “I apologize for our late arrival, my lord. We ran into an old friend.” She batted her lashes. There was immediate grumbling from the people in line, but Alex's haughty expression silenced them.
    “I thought you were going to stay in the park and let us men take care of procuring the ices,” Simon said smoothly as he rocked back on his heels.
    “A gentleman, as always.” Alex smirked then offered her greetings to Lord Courtland. “How are you today, my lord?”
    “Better for your company,” he said, the twinkle in his moss-green eyes bringing an unexpected smile to Sophie's face. Right away, she could tell that he was one of those genuinely happy people, the kind who not only enjoyed banter, but also excelled at it.
    “You two

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