quite keen on her he contemplated.
He mulled over the last week’s events. They’d all listened to the Queen Song over and over again on the stations hi- fi equipment and scrutinised the words of the song, but nothing significant had jumped out at them.
Derek and John had interviewed all of the staff at Jason’s and had sat through hours of CCTV, they had followed up a couple of possible leads but had come to a dead end.
Vera had paid visits to most of the ‘ Ian’s ’ on their data base and they had all had an alibi for one or both of the nights of the murders.
They all felt like they were swimming in mud and getting nowhere. All their eggs were in one basket now t he DNA.
He took one more look in the mirror and was pleased with himself, “Handsome chap” he said to himself out loud, “you never know, you may pull tonight, nothing like mixing business with pleasure”.
Jason’s was a nightclub that was well known for the more mature patrons and for being full of divorcees and single parents, a ‘pick up’ joint where you were almost certain of getting laid by a single mum ‘gagging for it.’
Single mums were quickly getting labelled as easy targets for men , which seemed unfair that a few that gave it up quite easily, should tar the name for many decent single mums but that was how the world worked.
It hadn’t helped when the prime minister had recently targeted single parent families as ‘dysfunctional families.’ He knew as many two parent families that he would deem ‘dysfunctional’. Besides his mum had been a single mum to him and his sister and there was nothing dysfunctional about him or his sister.
He found himself a tight spot in the car park, it was full, how many people would be driving home drunk tonight he wondered, then brushed it aside, it wasn’t his department and was therefore none of his business.
Jason’s was not in the town as most of the clubs in Leicester were it was set back in between field’s on the main road between Lei cester Forest East and Peckle ton .
It was an attractive looking building, and if the Manager had been a little bit more refined it would have made a very nice upmarket restaurant, a successful restaurant as people did not really want to travel into town on a weekend night for a meal, too much trouble in the town centre these days.
It would have brought in a more sophisticated clientele that’s for sure.
The queue to get in had only about six people in it, so he stood at the back and waited. He could have shown his warrant card and got straight in, but he didn’t want to draw attention to himself, give a possible suspect a head start.
Having paid five pounds to get in he headed for the bar and ordered a coke, he needed to keep his wits about him tonight, he could always have a stiff drink later when he got home.
Coke , lemon and ice in his hand he looked about, bloody hell they were rough in here he thought, covered in tattoos most of them and that were the women.
He noticed a group of rowdy men to his right as he propped up the bar, laughing and joking about something or another.
He eavesdropped for awhile not having much more to do other than observe.
“I came here looking for a lass that’s just started her period not someone half way through the fucking menopause” said one laughing out loud, joined boisterously by his companions.
“Not a good looking one in sight” said another
“ That women I was dancing with I said to her ‘let me make you pregnant, and then you’ll be able to get your teeth done on the national health free ” this was then followed by more side splitting laughter.
Stephen had, had enough, one reason why he didn’t wish to make friends for unruly lad’s nights out, he couldn’t stand the banter. He easily got offended by t he derogatory remarks about women.
Yes he’ d be the first to say this place was rough and the women not his type but there was no need to be that