Beyond Addiction

Free Beyond Addiction by Kit Rocha

Book: Beyond Addiction by Kit Rocha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kit Rocha
plunged both hands into her hair, tilting her head back as he loomed over her. “I said you could have anything. It doesn’t have to be— You don’t have to—”
    “Shh.” He’d never understood how touching him could bring her pleasure. Hypocritical, when she’d seen the same sort of satisfaction light his eyes at her moans and cries.
    The thought of watching him shudder with more than anticipation sparked breathless need. She dragged at the heavy denim until she bared his cock—proud, hard, straining toward her with a hunger that gave lie to his denials.
    She wrapped her hand around the base, gasping when he thrust into her touch with a groan, then slid lower on the bed. Lower, until she could draw her tongue in a slow circle around the head of his cock.
    “ Trix .” His fingertips pressed hard on her scalp, hands trembling with restraint. “Jesus Christ, woman.”
    She flicked her tongue against the spot beneath the crown, and his hips jerked in response.
    He flexed his fingers, tugging lightly at her hair. “Look at me.”
    She closed her lips around the tip of his cock before tilting her head just enough to meet his gaze without pulling away. He stared down at her, every beautiful muscle tensed as he rubbed small circles on the back of her head.
    His fingers tightened. Hardly at all, but enough to guide her head forward, and he watched her lips inch up his shaft with dark hunger.
    It could have felt like a demand, but Trix could see the truth burning in his eyes. This was acquiescence, not force.
    She shivered and took him deeper, moaning when the movement yanked her hair taut in his grip. He bit off a curse and pulled harder, dragging her back. “Is this what you want? To suck me off?”
    Yes. But that was too simple, not quite right, because what she really wanted was to give him everything he’d offered her. So she swallowed the answer and rose, shifting to her knees and stretching up to draw him into another kiss.
    That trembling control inside him snapped.
    He dropped his hands to her ass and hauled her up into a brutal, starving kiss. His teeth scraped her lower lip before closing in a harsh bite, taunting her with the vibration of his low growl. He hoisted her higher, off the bed entirely, only to bear her back down.
    Her back thudded against the mattress and he pinned her there, his cock grinding between her legs, his hands tangling in her hair as he gripped the bed sheets and rocked. “Do you want this? Do you want me to fuck you?”
    She arched beneath him, helpless to do anything but beg. “Please, Finn. No more waiting—”
    He smothered her words with another tongue-tangling kiss. He hooked one hand under her thigh and lifted her leg, spreading it wide. “Tell me,” he demanded as his shaft slicked between her pussy lips, working her clit with tormenting friction. “Tell me to fuck you.”
    “Fuck—” Another flex of his hips sent a shock of pleasure racing up her spine, cutting off her words. “Fuck me.”
    Every muscle in the arm next to her cheek flexed as he raised his body. He loomed above her, half of his face in shadow, half illuminated by the firelight.
    He sought her gaze, held it. The fingers of his free hand brushed her pussy as he reached between them to grip his shaft. “Tell me how hard. Tell me how deep.”
    She whispered the only two words that came to mind, words that contradicted her pleas. “Tease me.”
    One smooth push and he was upright, standing above her with his hand still curled around his dick. “Roll over.”
    She obeyed, and it wasn’t until she braced her elbows on the mattress that she caught sight of the mirror in the corner, across from the bed. “Finn...”
    “Watch,” he whispered, smoothing one hand over her hip.
    He pushed against her, and she looked down in time to see the blunt head of his cock spread her pussy wide. The sensation slammed into her a split second later, and she whimpered as she tried to rock back, to take him

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