His Dominant Omega

Free His Dominant Omega by A. J. Jarrett

Book: His Dominant Omega by A. J. Jarrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Jarrett
a second for him to decide. Cole struck fast, piercing the tender flesh of his mate’s shoulder. Josef cried out below him. At the sweet coppery taste of his mate’s blood Cole lost his control and shot his cream deep into Josef’s body. His heart beat in time with the pulsing of his cock as he took his pleasure from his mate’s body.
Cole slowed his hips as his orgasm began to fade and gently extracted his teeth from Josef’s skin. His body was numb with happiness. Nothing had ever felt so good.
He started to sit up when Josef tightened his legs around his waist and flipped him onto his back, with his cock still nestled deep inside Josef’s body. Cole shivered as Josef rocked his hips forward, smiling down at him with an evil grin.
“My turn.” That was Cole’s only warning before Josef sunk his teeth right below his left shoulder into his chest.
It stung at first, and he gripped Josef’s hair in his hands. But slowly the pain eased into mindless bliss with every pull of his mate’s greedy mouth. Deep down in his soul he could feel his connection with Josef forge together, making them both complete.
Josef freed his mouth from Cole’s body and sat up. He fisted his cock in his hand, and his face screwed up tight. Cole had never seen a more glorious sight than this one in his entire life. Josef’s hand moved in a rapid speed as he pounded his ass down on Cole’s sensitive cock. Cole ran his hands up Josef’s tense thighs until they rested at his mate’s hips.
“Come for me, mate,” Cole purred.
He watched as his mate’s mouth fell open, but no sound came out. Hot spunk shot from the tip of Josef’s cock, painting white stripes across Cole’s chest. With every splash of warmth Cole’s fingers sunk deeper into Josef’s skin, holding him steady, never wanting this feeling to end.
All too soon Josef fell forward and Cole wrapped his arms around his mate holding him close. The cooling cum on his body smeared against Josef’s, but he didn’t have the energy to care. Being coated in his lover’s cum and blood, mixed with his own, didn’t bother him. He liked the way their scents mingled together to form one perfect scent.
“We should go clean up.” Josef tried to roll to his side, but Cole held tight.
“No, we don’t.” He let his softening cock ease from Josef’s wet hole and moved to lie on his side, facing his mate. “I like knowing you’re dripping wet with my cum and me yours. Why would you want to wash that away?” He gently kissed the side of Josef’s mouth waiting for his mate to answer.
Josef sighed and turned his head to the side, exposing his neck for Cole’s wondering lips. “I guess I don’t.” He moved his head so he locked eyes with Cole. “I love having you inside me.”
“Good answer.” Cole dove in for a kiss, smashing his mouth onto Josef’s, leaving no room for any more talking.
The hours seemed to drift away like a passing rain storm. They stayed up late talking and getting to know one another better. He learned how Josef’s mom and dad had died and that he grew up with the Carsten brothers. His heart broke for his mate as Josef explained about losing Mr. and Mrs. Carsten as well.
Josef also told him about Aiden not only being Devon’s mate, but also the son of a hunter. But it was on the up-and-up. Aiden’s dad kept them informed on the goings-on with the hunters’ council so that Josef and his pack stayed out of harm’s way. And it wasn’t just Aiden with the hunter connections. The youngest Carsten had found his mate a little less than a year ago when he’d been kidnapped, and the kid’s mate just so happened to be a hunter as well.
When Cole finally curled his body around Josef’s after another bout of lovemaking the sun crested the horizon, painting reds and oranges across the sky. Cole pulled Josef closer to his chest. He loved how his big strong mate was a hopeless cuddle bunny. Cole also loved how Josef let him be in control. He mastered his mate’s

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