Dark Wolf: 1 (Spirit Wild)

Free Dark Wolf: 1 (Spirit Wild) by Kate Douglas

Book: Dark Wolf: 1 (Spirit Wild) by Kate Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Douglas
who could matter to him, who might understand him, he’d totally fucked up any chance with her. He’d be lucky if she’d let him give her a ride home after this.
    The parking lot was as empty as when they’d left it over an hour ago. The moon had settled a bit lower over the ocean, but the shadows were as dark and the night as still. Sebastian trotted over to the tree where he’d hidden the car keys, rose up on his hind legs, and snagged them with his teeth.
    Lily waited for him beside the car. She hadn’t shifted yet, and he searched her mind, expecting anger. Disgust, maybe, though he hoped there was no fear. He hated to think he’d frightened her, but there was none of that. No, the only thing he felt was her arousal, strong and rich, drawing him close. Teasing him with her ripe scent, her beautiful dark eyes.
    It was too much. He drew inside himself and called on the magic. After an interminable wait, he felt the shift take hold and he stood in the darkness, a tall, naked man staring at a wolf bathed in crimson with strong shafts of iridescent pink.
    All colors of sexual desire. A powerful, driving need to mate. His breath caught, stuttered in his chest. Her aura hadn’t been visible to eyes seeing with the wolf’s visual spectrum, but his human eyes now registered the colors, the beautiful aura he would always associate with Lily Cheval.
    He unlocked the car and reached for his clothing, turned his back, and pulled his knit boxers on, then his slacks. He almost laughed. He’d been hard and aroused when they’d first started out. Shame had left his dick entirely flaccid. He wanted to howl his disappointment, but his wolf had gone silent.
    The night was warm, and his body hot from the run. He picked up his shirt and stared at it a moment, debating whether to put it on.
    “Leave it off.”
    He jerked his head up at Lily’s soft comment. He hadn’t even been aware of her shift, and jealousy spiked through him, that she could do this so easily. She’d slipped that beautiful dress over her head, and somehow she actually looked more naked wearing it than when he’d seen her earlier, unclothed.
    Then her words hit him. “This?” He clutched the black shirt in his hand. “You want me to leave it off?”
    “Oh, yeah.”
    She winked. Lily actually winked at him? She should be furious. Disgusted. She . . .
    “Less to take off when we get to my place.”
    With that, she slipped into the seat on the passenger side. Sebastian just stood there, feeling like an idiot. Then he leaned over, grabbed his shoes and socks, his tuxedo coat, and his shirt, and threw them all into the back.
    He wished he had a clue what she was thinking, but she’d blindsided him with her invitation. Did her body clamor for sex after a shift the way his always did? Imagining Lily Cheval hot and naked and willing was almost more than his libido could handle. What the hell was going on? His thoughts spun and his hands shook as he started the engine and pulled back onto the highway.
    They were only a short drive from Lily’s home in the Marina District. He hoped like hell she wouldn’t change her mind before they got there.
    The slick fabric sliding across her nipples sent an electric pulse directly to her clit. Lily tightened her shields to keep her traitorous thoughts away from the man beside her, well aware she had to consciously force herself not to look at Sebastian. Not at his gorgeous chest with its perfect dusting of dark hair, an insidious lure that made her want to bury her fingers in its crisp texture. And she knew she’d be caught like a mouse in a trap the moment she focused on the rhythmic bunch and stretch of his powerful arms.
    And, of course, like that stupid mouse drawn to the cheese, she realized she was staring, and yes, she was caught. There wasn’t an ounce of fat, not a blemish anywhere beyond a small cut across his very fine nose where she’d marked him when he tried to mount her. No flaw in that coal

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