One of the Guys
asshole was her brother.

Chapter 6
    I woke up this morning to find my sister sitting in her usual chair at the kitchen table slowly nursing a cup of coffee. This was typical for Wendy but this morning was a little more off than usual. She looked nervous and if you know my sister, nothing about her is nervous I mean she’s dating Rocky from the gym for crying out loud. Never thought I’d have pictured them together a few years ago but she softened him up and he fell head over heels for her. He hated watching her in the ring though. Every time she steps in there, he’s ringside cringing and keeping a watchful eye on her. If she ever got hurt, well that person would be hurt. In the hospital. She’s as tough as I am though and rarely lost a match. Must be that Johnson blood we have running through our veins.
    “Hey sis, what’s going on?” I say as I stand on the side of her.
    You’d swear someone just lit a bottle rocket next to her head because she practically jumped out of her seat. She glanced up at me and gave me a half smile. Oh shit, something is wrong and if Rocky hurt her in any way, I’ll kick his ass to the ground when I get to Lou’s then walk out and find a new place to train. No one is going to hurt my sister and get away with it.
    Her hand rests on the table, slowly massaging the fabric tablecloth, and I pull it into mine wondering what’s going on with my twin sister. We aren’t identical twins; we’re fraternal which is why people that don’t know us can’t tell. They always assume that we are just about thirteen months apart. As kids we were inseparable and had each other’s backs no matter what. I got into more fights than I like to admit because of Wendy. She had a bit of sassiness about her and I always had to kick some guy’s ass when she stuck her foot too far into her mouth.
    She looked at me and gave me a half smile before she opened her mouth to speak. “I wasn’t sure how to tell you this. I’ve wanted to for a week now but I just, I want you to remember I love you so much Cole.” I’m not a fan of conversations that start like this. My mind feels like it’s boggled down in a cloud of fog and I have no idea where she’s going with this. All I can think is its not good. “I’m pregnant and well, Rocky and I are going to move in together.”
    She kept talking but I heard nothing she said because all I could hear was Cole, I’m leaving you alone in this apartment and you’ll never have to see my bras hanging all over the bathroom anymore. Thank you Lord, I’m eternally grateful that I don’t have to see her lacy bras and panties ever again. She’s my sister and I love her more than anything in this world, but I just don’t want to see all that. I at least try to be mindful and keep my boxers out of her view.
    “I know you’re going to have this apartment to yourself finally so that should make you happy right?”
    I snapped out of my thoughts and replied, “Yeah Wendy, whatever makes you happy. A baby huh? I’m going to be an uncle? Rocky’s excited?”
    She instantly began beaming as she startled rattling on. She began talking with her hands like a damn girl. I mean I know she’s a girl obviously, she’s my sister but usually when she talks it’s without all the dramatics.
    “Oh god Cole, he’s thrilled! I know I’m not showing or anything but he talks to my belly and kisses it and ah, he’s so amazing.”
    I can’t imagine Rocky any other way but showing me the best way to take someone down or how to block some kind of hit they may throw. I definitely don’t see him being all mushy but I guess the news of becoming a parent brings all that shit out in us.
    “That’s awesome. I’m happy for you guys. Why’d you seem so upset to tell me though?”
    She moves her hand from mine and brushes a piece of her dark hair out of her face before answering me. She’s always been considerate; I guess she

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