One of the Guys
up and acknowledge me was Cole. He walked over like he knew he was God’s gift to women wearing nothing but his shorts and a cocky grin on his face. The first thing I noticed was he didn’t have a single tattoo on him. Tattoos were hot, sexy even but the fact that he had not a single one drew me to him more. His chiseled chest was flawless and I caught my eyes looking down until that ‘V’ started by his shorts. As he cleared his throat, I caught myself and looked back up like nothing happened. He had little beads of sweat hanging on the ends of his dark brown hair and well that same sweat was beaded across his perfect chiseled non-tattooed chest down to his perfect abs and oh God Sam get it together before your eyes wander back where they shouldn’t be.
    I rolled my eyes as he inched closer wearing that same ridiculous grin. I can’t let him see through me . You’ve got to be kidding me. “What’s your name? Sam? You aren’t a dyke or anything or you? With an ass like that I’d pray not.”
    Before he had a chance to smirk one more time, my fist connected with his jaw and Jack and Trey began laughing and slapping each other on the back. Shit, my hand hurts right now but I don’t let him see that. Cole touched his jaw and looked at me. His eyes weren’t angry in fact he was amused and that kinda pissed me off.
    “Damn girl nice punch.” Cole stepped up and put his hand out wanting truce but I had a feeling there would be none just yet. He’s too cocky and his comment pissed me off. I knocked him to the ground and pinned his arms by his side which is something I wasn’t sure I could even do. I’m pretty positive I caught him by surprise because by the way Jack and Trey were jumping around and laughing, this didn’t happen often with Cole.
    I leaned down to where only he could hear me and whispered into his ear, “I’m not a dyke got it?” I pushed down on him almost letting myself get caught in his eyes. Even with me pinning him down, he still didn’t look pissed. If anything, he looked like he was enjoying this. What the hell? My breathing was uneven as I noticed the dimple in his cheek as he smiled, why was he smiling? I got up which earned me more hugs from the guys. I kinda had to smile at what just happened once I moved away from him but when Rocky came out the office hollering my name, I knew I had done something wrong.
    “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. He pissed me off.” An apology was the only thing I could think to come up with. I’d barely been out there five minutes and already taken a guy down like I had some clue what I was doing.
    Wendy was in the office with Rocky and neither one of them looked pissed. They were both grinning and at each other and looking at me. I was ready to get my ass handed to me for just going out there and laying some guy on the ground like I’ve been doing this for quite some time. “Sam, you ready to start training? Seriously training?”
    Rocky shook my hand while I grinned like a kid on Christmas morning. He explained a few things then handed me back over to Wendy while he stepped back into the office for a second. Wendy smiled and gave me a hug, “I think you’re gonna be fucking awesome. My brother deserved that and you took him down like a pro. I couldn’t have picked someone better to take my place.”
    I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about what she said. I was really going to do this; I was going to train to be a fighter. Rocky said if I won, the pay was good and I could start saving to get my own place and away from Dad. A new Sam Montgomery was born; she’s taken the place of the one who died the night when she removed Marsh from her life. She’s ready to take this new life on and change all the hurt in her life, and she can do it. I thought of my Mom and smiled. I can do this. I continued to cheese it up until I realized the first thing Wendy said. That arrogant, perfect, sexy blue eyed

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