Winning Appeal

Free Winning Appeal by N.M. Silber

Book: Winning Appeal by N.M. Silber Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.M. Silber
I felt her muscles stiffen. I knew she was on the edge, so I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You’re going to come. I can feel it.”
    That did it. She arched her back and moaned. Her body shook and I felt her pussy start to spasm as she lost control. Her face was flushed and her eyes were squeezed closed. When she opened them again a moment later they looked dazed and unfocused. She lay there gasping and then she seemed to pull out of it and she looked up at me. Adam said it would be more intense. I think that was the moment when I understood.
    Still looking into my eyes she firmly gripped me at the base of my cock again and slid her fist up to the tip. I was so hard that I could feel myself pulse in her hand and I felt the pressure and the hot ticklish sensation in my balls that let me know I wasn’t far behind her.
    Our mouths met again and our tongues tangled together, licking and thrusting against each other while she stroked me. My hips began to pump in rhythm with her hand and I felt my muscles tensing. I had to break the kiss because I was so close. I was so out of it I could barely form a coherent thought. I sucked in a breath and pushed my hips forward when I felt the pressure start to build beyond the limit and I reached the point of no return.
    “I’m going to come,” I said hoarsely and shoved my shirt out of the way. I groaned and went still as I exploded in her hand, pulsing in hot waves against my stomach. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Then, I finally breathed out raggedly and my muscles relaxed. I lay there panting, and lightheaded, as a feeling of euphoric exhaustion settled over me. “I come a hell of a lot harder in your hand than in mine,” I said finally. I was spent. I could have slept for a month.
    “That was so sexy,” she mumbled in a sated voice and I smiled. I would actually liked to have held her tightly against me, but it would have caused some gossip at her dry cleaners. It was a wonderful moment while it lasted. And then we heard Bruce’s voice in the hall.
    “Hey, what are you guys doing here?”
    “Oh, fuck !” I growled. She quickly reached for a side table, grabbed a handful of tissues and gave some of them to me, as we set about cleaning ourselves up.
    Like lightening, we got up and started fixing our disheveled clothes. Making sure she was decent, I went over to the door and popped my head out. Across the hall, Adam popped his head out of Lily’s office.
    “Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked.
    “Probably the same thing you’re doing here.”
    “Hey guys,” Bruce said. “Are you having a late meeting or something?”
    “We stopped by to drop something off,” Adam answered.
    “Uh, so did we,” I volunteered. Oh shit. Brilliant, Mark.
    “O…kay,” Bruce said, sounding dubious.
    Beth walked out into the hall with her head held high and a cheerful smile on her face. Adam walked out into the hallway, and Lily joined him, looking as flushed and as rapidly put together as Beth did.
    “Hi, everyone!” Beth said brightly. And then I heard a little Chihuahua-like bark and I almost cried. Braden and Gabrielle walked in with Bruno on a leash. What was this, a reunion?
    “What’s everybody doing here?” Braden asked.
    “They were dropping something off,” Bruce replied looking at Adam and Lily. “And so were they.” He glanced over at Beth and me.
    “We were all here together ,” Lily emphasized.
    “Okay,” Braden said, giving her a funny look. “We stopped by to pick something up. I left my cell phone here,” he said, heading for his office.
    “The four of you have fun together ,” Bruce said, heading off toward the library.
    “Hey honey, maybe the Patterson’s want to have a key party with us next weekend,” Adam said with a smile. “Uh oh, Mark’s glaring. Is that a ‘no’?”
    “I just wanted to let Braden know that they weren’t alone,” Lily explained.
    “Wait, you guys were here together ?” Gab asked quietly.
    “Not together ,

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