Bone Dust White

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Book: Bone Dust White by Karin Salvalaggio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Salvalaggio
    “You’re the detective they were talking about on the news?”
    Macy draws herself farther into her jacket and does a three-quarter turn. She looks the woman over for a few seconds and decides it’s best to keep it friendly. “Guilty as charged,” she says.
    “Going in to have a little talk with Grace?”
    Macy wraps her arms around her body for warmth. “That’s the idea.”
    “Well, good luck with that. She’s an odd one.”
    Macy leaves the woman alone with her cigarette and heads inside. In the waiting area a few people sit scattered among the rows of seats. Each time Macy’s eyes fall on someone they turn away. Some stare at the floor, some at a television playing music videos, and others turn back to their newspapers. Macy asks the nurse standing at the admissions counter where she can find the elevator. Instead of answering right away the nurse makes Macy wait while she finishes reading a report. The woman’s name tag is decorated with hearts, and her hair, which is pulled back in a severe ponytail, is secured with a bright pink ribbon. She closes a file and puts it to one side before staring at Macy blankly.
    “Sorry,” says Macy. “I’m a little lost. Could you please direct me to an elevator?”
    The nurse points a pink fingernail at Macy’s cell phone. “You can’t use phones in here.”
    “Then it’s a good thing I’m leaving.” Macy smiles, but her eyes are cold. She tilts her head and shows more teeth. “The elevator?”
    On the second floor Macy stops outside the cafeteria doors and peers in through the windows. Warren sits at a table holding a cup of coffee aloft like he’s reading what’s written on its base. A petite woman occupies the chair across from him with her back to Macy.
    As Macy approaches, Warren rises from his chair and reaches out a hand to greet her. “I see you found your way here easily enough.”
    The woman sitting across from him doesn’t look up from her meal. She raises a small bite of food to her mouth and stares straight ahead. She chews slowly and carefully. When she’s finished Warren clears his throat and introduces Macy to Elizabeth Lamm.
    Macy observes Elizabeth closely. It’s impossible to reconcile the woman in front of her with the one she met previously. Eleven years earlier Elizabeth had a helmet of hair and wore tailored jackets and skirts. Loyal to the end, she always appeared at her husband’s side whenever he was called in for an interview with the police. Macy shrinks back and prays she isn’t recognized.
    Elizabeth Lamm’s cornflower blue eyes snap up and catch hold of Macy. “I remember you,” she says quietly, holding out a hand. “It’s been a long time.”
    Macy takes hold of the hand. It is warm and powder dry but there is none of the strength in the grip that was there before.
    Elizabeth withdraws her hand and drops her gaze. “And now I suppose you’re here to pick apart my family again.”
    Macy peels off her scarf. “I don’t have a lot of choice. Leanne was your sister.”
    “Please don’t call her my sister. Leanne lost any claim to sibling fealty years ago.”
    “Regardless, nobody deserves to die like that.”
    The blue eyes catch Macy again. “We’re all entitled to our own opinion.”
    “What about Grace?” she says, taking an empty chair. “Does she have an opinion?”
    Elizabeth Lamm puts down her fork and stares at Macy without speaking.
    “You know I’m going to have to speak to her.”
    Elizabeth drops her eyes to her plate. “That’s out of the question. She needs to rest.”
    “Has she said anything to you?”
    “She said she didn’t get a good look at him.”
    Macy waits, but nothing more is forthcoming. She tries a new angle. “I understand you only just started going back to work.”
    “Yes, it’s only a part-time job but I’d taken as much time off as I could while Grace was recuperating from her operation. Yesterday was my first full day in weeks.”
    “How did Grace seem when

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