Bone Dust White

Free Bone Dust White by Karin Salvalaggio

Book: Bone Dust White by Karin Salvalaggio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Salvalaggio
wipes some tears from her face. “I could tell he was big because he made my mother look really small.”
    Elizabeth offers a mint to Dustin before popping one into her mouth. “Big, as in fat?”
    “I’m not sure. He was wearing one of those puffer jackets.”
    Dustin sits down on the edge of the bed and pats Grace’s leg. “Weren’t you scared?”
    Grace closes her eyes. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
    Elizabeth takes her niece’s hand and tells her not to worry. “Grace, I’m going to get something to eat. You want anything?”
    Grace imagines lumpy mashed potatoes and says a quiet no.
    Trying to stand, Elizabeth fights like a child trapped in a stroller. Her arms and legs reach forward, but gravity keeps her rear end trapped in the seat. She shuffles one hip at a time before pushing up with her chicken-winged arms until she’s standing solid in her beige orthopedic shoes.
    Elizabeth breathes heavily. “What about you, Dustin?” She slings the thick strap of her handbag over her shoulder and manages a smile. “Would you like to join me?”
    Dustin glances over at Grace. “If it’s okay with Grace, I’ll stay here and keep her company until you get back. She shouldn’t be on her own.”
    Elizabeth leans over and kisses her niece on the forehead. “I won’t be long,” she says before heading for the open door.
    Dustin sits quietly for a few minutes. His head is dipped and Grace thinks he might be praying. He looks up and his eyes are moist.
    “I’m really sorry,” he says.
    Grace watches his hand settle on her leg again. “You shouldn’t be. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

    Flying like goose down, snow swirls around the hospital’s parking lot in dizzying spirals. Even though it’s not yet noon daylight is dying. There is nothing to guide Macy to the main entrance. She slowly makes her way along the row of parked cars, stopping every so often to look around. A cold wind blows hard, kicking up more snow. Ahead of her the large gray building emerges from the gloom before vanishing just as quickly. She drops her head into the wind and plows through the parking lot toward it.
    Ray calls her when she’s halfway there. “I’m at the hospital now,” she says, holding the phone to her ear and carefully making her way along what feels like a raised walkway.
    “What did you find out from Grace Adams?”
    “I just got here, Ray. I’ve not had a chance to interview her.”
    “It’s nearly eleven. What have you been doing?”
    “Have you seen the weather forecast? It took me a half hour to drive two miles.”
    The hospital is a large, six-story structure, but the snow is so thick she can’t see it anymore. A horn sounds, and she jumps, almost dropping the phone. The iced-over headlights are just a few feet away. She waves and keeps walking, taking hold of the side of a pickup truck parked nearby and edging along it so she won’t get off track again.
    “I’m going to have to call you back,” she says, slipping the phone into her pocket. She stands up straight and glances around. There’s a low rectangle sign in the distance. She’s nearly on top of it when she realizes she’s arrived at the emergency room entrance. Somehow she’s missed the main entrance and come to the far side of the building.
    Outside on the pavement a woman wearing a private security uniform stands hunched smoking a cigarette under an overhang. Her thick body is bundled in a dark jacket and hat. In her large, bare hands the cigarette she’s holding looks like a matchstick.
    The woman laughs, setting off a coughing fit. “I was just about to come out and rescue you.”
    Macy dips her chin into her coat and tries to smile. She can feel the cold seeping through her thick boots. “It’s really blowing now.”
    “Just wait. We’re supposed to have a real storm move through the valley in a couple days’ time.”
    Macy shivers. “It’s nice to have something to look forward

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