Creative License

Free Creative License by Lynne Roberts

Book: Creative License by Lynne Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Roberts
my wife. In a moment of panic, I told her that Lily worked in Boston, which is true. Mrs. P wanted to meet her. You don’t say no to Mrs. P.”
    “So you called Lily and she came running?” Monique’s eyebrow disappeared beneath the short ringlets framing her face.
    “It’s not like that. She’s doing me a favor.”
    “That was some favor she was doing when I walked in.”
    Caleb shook his head.
    “Holy fuck, Caleb. Don’t tell me you’re in love with her.”
    “I won’t tell you that. It’s not true.”
    Monique set the cup down on the table. “Shit, buddy. You’re in deep.”
    Caleb stared out the window and watched as dark clouds swirled against the pale grey sky. “I’m not in anything, Mo. She’s leaving in two days.”

Chapter Seven
    The scent of tomatoes and garlic brushed by him in a gust of warmed air as Caleb opened his apartment door. “Lily?” He walked into the kitchen to find Lily removing bread from the oven.
    “Perfect timing.” She grinned, set down the tray of bread and stirred a steaming pot with a long wooden spoon.
    Caleb watched in wonder. He couldn’t remember the last time someone, besides his mother, had cooked for him. He sniffed at the red sauce bubbling in the pot. “Smells wonderful.”
    “Thank you.” Lily beamed and tucked a stray lock of caramel-colored hair behind her ear.
    Caleb noted the small table set for dinner with candles. He walked further in the kitchen to wrap his arms around Lily’s waist. She placed the bread in a cloth-covered, small wicker basket as he bent to nuzzle the back of her neck. He loved the taste of her skin and the fresh floral scent that seemed part of it. With a tinge of shock, he realized how much he’d missed her while he was at the studio. “You smell wonderful too.”
    She laughed. “If you keep doing that you’ll distract me and the sauce will burn.” Pulling off a piece of bread, she dipped it in the bubbling red sauce and turned in Caleb’s arms. “Try this.”
    He opened his mouth and accepted the morsel from her fingers. He smiled around the bite. “Hey, that tastes even better than it smells.” Without taking his gaze from her eyes, he lowered his head. Her pupils expanded and her lips parted slightly, fueling the need that had grown since he walked in the door. He flicked his tongue over her bottom lip, delighted in her soft gasp. He moved to repeat the action but she opened her mouth, her tongue capturing his. Soft and full, her lips moved against his as she explored his mouth. She’d tried the sauce too. His cock pulsed between them and he was breathing hard when he rested his forehead on hers, fighting the urge to pick her up and take her to the bedroom. “Like the sauce, you taste even better than you smell.”
    Lily grinned. “You’re comparing me to sauce now?”
    “You’re both edible.” His fingers brushed the swell of her breast.
    Lily ducked under his arms, laughing. “Oh no you don’t, bucko, I’ve been cooking for the last hour. Eat first and then….” She glanced over her shoulder. “We’ll continue where we left off.” After opening and shutting a few cupboards, Lily turned. “Okay, I give up. Where’s your colander?”
    Caleb retrieved the item and leaned against the counter to watch Lily in action. The steam from the boiling pasta had pinked her cheeks, but he didn’t think steam had anything to do with the sparkle in her eyes. She’d pulled her hair back and soft tendrils curled against the nape of her neck. He knew the skin there was soft as velvet and his fingers itched to touch it again. She drained the pasta, retrieved two plates and dished the spaghetti noodles on them. A delicious smell filled the kitchen as she poured the sauce over the pasta but his eyes were on her firm ass under the blue jeans. His cock twitched.
    “Bon appétit.” With a flourish, she set the plates down on the table. She turned to look at him and her brow creased. “You are hungry, aren’t you? You

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