Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3)

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Book: Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
“Cinn, ” he moans gripping my hips. “You deserve more than a quick fuck on a table.”
    “What I deserve, ” I say pulling him closer, “What we deserve, is living in the moment. Death excites me, Monarch. And who said it had to be quick?”
    “Cinn, ” he tries again. No, he wasn’t putting me, off not this time. Palming his cock his head falls forward. “I’ve waited years for this, for you. ” I squeeze. “I will not wait any longer.”
    “You will if I order it, ” he growls in my face.
    “You won’t, ” I growl right back.  With his fingers digging into my skin he was practically hyperventilating with his need but still wasn’t acting on it.
    “You deserve to be worshipped, ” he clips.
    “And you don’t? ” I counter with a squeeze. “I’ll worship the fuck out of you.”
    “Is this how you were handled? Fucked like a whore on office furniture?”
    Like he’d punched me in the mouth, I went ram rod straight. Pushing him away, he pulls me right back to him and groans, “Cinn, I’m sorry.”
    “No, ” I snap removing my arm from his grasp. “ I’m sorry. For thinking you wanted me as much as I wanted you. And for your information, fucking on office furniture would have been a first for me, a first I wanted with you . You should have left me where I was, at least there a whore knew her fucking place. ” Now this may have been the wrong thing to say but I said it and there was no taking it back.
    “You are behaving like a cunt not a queen, turn it around quick and remember who you’re speaking to. ” He says moving away from me and blocking the door. Blocking my fucking exit.
    “You barged into my God damn life, became the only light in a dark place then fucking left me there to suffocate. You seem to think that I’m still a little girl but look at this body, ” I motion from head to toe. “I haven’t been her for a long time, Monarch. My youth was fucked right out of me and replaced with this! You want a queen? A queen takes what she wants, I want you but you’ll deny me?”
    “You don’t think I blame myself? ” he roars pinning me to the door he’d been blocking. “Look at me, Cinn, look! I’m not him! I denied myself so when I had you, you could be proud to be mine! He treated you like a whore, paraded you around like a whore, then killed anyone who dared look at you. We’re taking this slow, doing it right and if that doesn’t work for you… too fucking bad.”
    “No, you’re not him, ” I yell in his face. “You denied yourself so I could be proud? Can you hear yourself? I was a fuck toy for a lunatic! A lunatic you made a God damn deal with, for what? Territory? A lunatic you knew would treat me like a whore, parade me around like a whore, and would kill anyone who looked at me. You left me to endure that!”
    Breaking free, I duck underneath his arms and wait for him to open the door. Reluctantly he did, and when I cleared he reminded me of my place. “You want to act like a bitch, fine, but don’t leave the grounds. If I have to come looking for you, you won’t like it. ” Sucking in the hurt, I nod and then turn on my heel in favor of the one place I could breathe. The roof.
    Looking out over the city, my city, I would admit I was being a cunt. I was conditioned to fuck, it’s what I did. It’s the only outlet I was allowed. With Savage I just had to mention it and he bent to my will. Expecting Monarch to do it wasn’t going to work and that left me confused. Since I was eighteen, sex was how I expressed myself, I used it as a coping mechanism, an escape and often times leverage.
    I was a vessel, a body to be used. With sex I was always in charge and I didn’t know how to handle rejection. Especially, rejection from him. With him I knew it would be different, I’d waited years and endured Savage to get to different. My entire existence led up to Monarch’s kind of different. Right now though, I didn’t like how different felt. I wasn’t prone

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