Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3)

Free Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) by K.S. Adkins

Book: Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
was powerful. So powerful that Savage saw it and kept her from me because of it.
    “Savage wasn’t pleased by your unannounced call today, ” he says eyeballing me. “According to Pope he wants your head on a platter and as you already know, he wants Cinn back.”
    “He’s making a move, ” he says rolling his eyes. “Could prove to be nothing, could be something. But he’s lost it if he thinks any one of these idiots would give her up should they get their hands on her. They would take her and use her as leverage. He fucking knows this so clearly he’s nuts.”
    She didn’t tense or show any signs of anxiety, which meant this didn’t surprise her. But when she spoke, she sure as hell surprised me. “I ran away once, ” she says playing with my hair that I left down for her. “He sent one of his men to find me, he did and he decided not to give me back. He died at my feet with a bullet to the throat. He will follow through, and I suspect it’s because not only did he survive after I left with you, he also hasn’t had any attempts on his life, which in his mind means you’re weak. He assumes you aren’t following through on my order. We should fix that.”
    “You gonna be okay knowing one of us, likely Monarch himself is gonna be the one to do it.”
    “You sure?”
    “Do not, ” I bark pounding my fist on the table. “Question your queen.”
    She did not ask me to stand down or back off, instead, like the queen she was, she spoke. “At thirteen I watched your boss take down four men who would have raped and killed me, I did not falter, did not blink. While waiting for Monarch, I built an empire. Which, you’ll note, did not infringe on this one and that was my doing, not Savage’s. I was forced to spread for a man that I did not love and I did it all flawlessly, for the greater good. Death is necessary, undeniable and no one escapes it. In Savage’s case, he brought upon his own demise and in the future should you decide to call me out, I suggest you have your facts straight. My loyalty has always been reserved for one man. Five years I suffered to be where I am right now and it was a sacrifice I would make again. I may be the stuff fantasies are made of, but make no mistake, I can also be your worst nightmare. Am I sure, Ransom?” she asks leaning in. “You tell me.”
    “Ransom, ” I say leaning forward. “Leave.”
    With a smile on his face he did just that.
    Picking her up by her waist, I set her on the table in front of me and stood between her legs. Caging her in with my arms, she leans back, hooks her legs around me, looks up, smiles and says, “ Now .”

His fingers bit deep into my skin.
    Kudos to me for no longer thrashing in panic. I was used to it now. He’s done this enough to know when it was time to ease up and let me breathe. So when he loosened his grip and the air filled my lungs, I closed my eyes to savor it. While he pumped in and out of me, I focused on the air giving me my life back. “Pain is love, ” he groans into my ear.
    “Then you must love me an awful lot, ” I say rolling eyes that he can’t see.
    “No one loves you more, Bean, ” he says trying to come and failing miserably. “Hurt me, ” he begs and I knew the drill. Using my nails as weapons, I score them down his back from shoulders to ass crack. Roaring in satisfaction he settles after a bit then pulls me close to him and smothers me with his body. “You love me, ” he says dozing.
    “I love you enough to kill you, ” I say to the ceiling.
    “I love you enough to let you.”
    Everywhere I look there he is.
    After picking me up and setting me on the conference table he pulls me forward to wrap my legs around him. He smells of pool chemicals and lust, it’s a heady scent, I want it. With his hot breath in my face, I lean back and tell him, “Now.”
    I meant it. Courting could still happen but fucking was on the menu now too, I was game for the ala carte menu.

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