
Free Bittersweet by Jennifer Labelle

Book: Bittersweet by Jennifer Labelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Labelle
awkward silence that followed, she clung to him, laying her head against his shoulder. She could feel the heat in her cheeks.
    He laid her gently on his bed and brought her chin up so he could look her in the eye. “Are ye okay?”
    Jenna nodded but turned over. God, she hadn’t been this embarrassed in years. This was worse than walking in on Sam and Caleb. “I’m fine. Just a little tired, that’s all.” She pulled the blanket up to cover herself more. Shit, she should probably just leave to save face but couldn’t.
    “Jenna, I…” He seemed to be at a loss for words right then. Was he going to pretend as though it hadn’t happened, or would he finally face it?
    She felt the mattress move as he joined her and cuddled her close to him. “It’s okay, Brady. I’m fine.” She patted his hand and closed her eyes, hoping sleep would soon consume her. She needed a break from her conscience and an escape from herself at the moment. Tonight had been one hell of an emotional clusterfuck.
    “Are ye asleep yet?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.
    “No.” She laughed. “Sorry.”
    He lifted up on his elbows to give her the full effect of his hypnotic glare. God, this man had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.
    “What?” She couldn’t bear to have a staring contest, so she pulled the blankets over her head. “I hate when you do that. You drive me insane when you get that intense look. What are you thinking about?”
    “I’m thinkin’ ’bout ye, actually.” He laughed. “Feck, I don’t know how to explain.”
    “Then don’t, but please for the love of God, get that serious look off your face. I mean, I love that you look at me and that you want me around—what woman wouldn’t? But that look—gah!” She threw the blanket off and cuddled up to him.
    He laughed harder. “Do I make ye nervous, love?”
    “Am I makin’ ye nervous now?”
    “But ye love when I look at ye and bein’ here with me?” She nodded. “Ye sure do love a lot of things, don’t ye?”
    “Brady, I…I…” She was at a loss for words and wanted to cry. Even better, she wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear. “I guess I do,” she whispered and got out of bed.
    “Hey, where ye goin’?”
    “Downstairs. I need to find my clothes.” She began to cry and had to get out of his sight to pull herself together. Shit, shit, shit. She just had to go and ruin everything with her stupid declaration. Why did she have to tell him that she loved him, why?
    “Ugh, Jenna you’re an idiot,” she mumbled and slapped her palm against her forehead as she left the room to go down the stairs.
    “I disagree.”
    She jumped at the sound of his voice. She’d been so wrapped up in her thoughts she hadn’t heard him follow behind her. She found her clothes and her overnight bag and still debated if she should go.
    “Ye’r cryin’,” he said, and she looked back at him quickly before continuing what she was doing. He looked appalled, and she hated herself for it.
    “I’m fine.”
    “Jenna, please, love. I’m sorry if I hurt ye.”
    “No, I’m sorry for ruining everything. I told you that I loved you, and you threw it back in my face.” She did the best Brady impression she could. “Ye sure do love a lot of things, don’t ye.” She grimaced. “I think it might be best if I just go before we both say things we might regret.”
    “Probably.” He nodded. “I really am sorry if I hurt ye.”
    Jenna nodded back after grabbing her bag and headed toward the phone to tear a page from his phone book. She needed a cab, and she wasn’t about to wait for one there. “Well, you just did,” she whispered, and with that she slammed the door behind her and ran into the night.
    “Jenna, wait. Jenna, please—shite, feck.”
    She stopped when she was far enough away and watched as he banged his head against the doorway as if in frustration and then closed it behind him after going back in

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