Antidote (Don't)

Free Antidote (Don't) by Jack L. Pyke

Book: Antidote (Don't) by Jack L. Pyke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack L. Pyke
the issue.”
    “By Mr. Richards, not you?” added Brennan.
    A rhetorical statement, but I answered anyway. “Yes, sir.”
    A heavy sigh. “You’ve been with us long enough to know that our Master subs are given those safe words so that security who are observing a training scene will know when their assistance is required. If they know a Master sub is deliberately withholding their safe words, or has a history of it, trust becomes damaged. In an environment where training is mostly focused on non-civilian personnel, you can understand the potential concerns that will raise for our security teams.”
    “Yes, sir. Circumstances surrounding my last contract were...” I frowned remembering Jan’s hurt after I’d hit him. “Emotional. The fault was entirely my own.”
    “In certain ways,” said Brennan, “it removed you from the Circle and out of harm’s way. Nobody would have felt the loss of a Master’s sub more than those sitting here.”
    I frowned. That had been meant sincerely. “Thank you, sir.”
    “However, understand that the price for breaking trust between a Master and his sub, and ultimately the people who are employed to keep a Master’s sub safe, is a serious violation, one that no Master here will tolerate under any circumstance, Mr. Harrison.”
    I closed my eyes. Just great that I’d start back with another flogging on my record. Or worse. “The fault is mine.” I said, keeping my voice as calm as possible. “Master Raoul—”
    “Called enough.”
    I looked up, just briefly.
    “There were faults all around, Jack,” Gray said quietly. “You’ve already taken punishment for events you had little to no control over. Enough. More than.”
    “The Masters are in agreement.” said Brennan. “However, you’ve been a Dom trainer for nine years now, Mr. Harrison. Trust and respect, you have ours; do not force us into a position where we have to question whether we have yours. Ever.”
    Life calmed just for those few seconds. “Understood, sir.” And my thanks after that was aimed solely at Gray.
    Brennan nodded. “But as a first-time trainee sub would be required to do, I will ask you to now state clearly to the Masters your personal safe word. What is your personal safe word to let a Dom know you wish for him to stop the scene?”
    I blushed, somehow finding this more uncomfortable than a flogging. “Hmmm. Mercedes, sir.”
    “And what is the Master Circle’s Security safe word, the one that you would use if a trainee Dom fails to listen to your call of Mercedes, and thus poses a dangerous threat that has moved beyond your control?”
    “Mercedes Benz, sir.”
    “What does that second safe word initiate?”
    “External safety protocol,” I said. “It alerts security observing the scene to how they are needed to end proceedings with the safety of the sub solely in mind. Mostly where the Dom has failed to stop the scene and moved beyond a Master sub’s consensual zone.”
    “State an incident where you would use Mercedes Benz, Jack.”
    “You mean apart from now?” I mumbled, and it won a few chuckles from those at the conference table.
    “Yes,” said Brennan. “Apart from now.”
    I buried my blush. “One clause in my standard contract clearly states that I will not entertain incest themes in any way, shape, or form with a trainee Dom. If a Dom were to challenge that mid-way through a scene and threaten physical violence to force an incest scenario, Mercedes Benz would be used if I couldn’t—”
Beat the shit out of the Dom
. “—stop the scene myself.”
    “Will you fail to use either of your safe words again, Jack?”
    “No, sir,” I mumbled quietly and it earned a few more chuckles.
    “Good. Enjoy your evening, Mr. Harrison.” I caught his smile then. “A Master has the right to re-test the mental aptitude and fitness of his Master sub. No cameras, no CCTV equipment, just you, him, and whatever tools of the trade he wishes to test your mind and body to the

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