Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)

Free Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray

Book: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
excited. It’s my favourite lesson aside from English. They are the only two lessons I can always find myself getting lost in, blocking out the outside world like it doesn’t even exist. My mom used to complain it was like talking to a brick wall whenever I was doing either.
    “Oh bummer,’’ she frowns sympathetically.
    “I love art, it’s the only lesson I excel in.’’
    “Yeah,’’ I shrug.
    We remain silent for the rest of registration, both left to our own thoughts. My eyes keep flickering over to Malik whenever I think I feel eyes on me, but every time I look towards him he’s busy talking to his friend. It’s when I turn to see him talking to a blonde girl. I think her name is Sally and my stomach turns. I can’t see the way he’s looking at her with his back to me, but the girl keeps giggling obnoxiously loud, annoying the shit out of me. At one point I thought the glass in the window was going to crack because of her high pitch screeching.
    I snort loudly when she giggles slapping him on the shoulder and end up gaining Denny’s attention.
    “He’s been doing that all lesson?’’ Denny whispers, her voice laced with something that sounds a bit bitter or maybe it’s resentment, but it grabs my attention, so I turn to her. When I do she’s glaring at something, but it’s not something in this room, but something she’s remembering.
    “Who?’’ I ask, my belly fluttering at the thought of Malik staring at me.
    “Don’t know why you’re surprised. After yesterday I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him who vandalised your locker.’’
    “What?’’ I gasp. The thought had never even crossed my mind. Why would Malik do that to my locker? Is he jealous or something because of the scene his brother caused yesterday? Nah, someone like Malik doesn’t do jealous. Do they?
    “Yeah, I read somewhere last night on Facebook he’s got it bad for you. You need to be careful with him Harlow. I know you’re new here, and in a repulsive way he is kind of good looking, but he’s dangerous. Promise me that you’ll stay away from him?’’ she says worriedly. The seriousness in her voice stops me from making a witty remark, but I don’t get warning bells when I look at Malik, or when I’m near him. It just doesn’t make sense to me why she feels this way towards him. Yeah he seems kinda broody and has that ‘don’t mess with me’ aura about him, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying he was dangerous. Not the lad who held me last night while I had a breakdown or the person who kept me company while my Gram’s went next door to eat.
    What’s scary is that to me Malik isn’t repulsive in any way, he’s a freaking God. I’ve never met anyone as hot as him; even movie stars have nothing on him. Hell, I don’t think there’s a kid in this school that could even measure up to his good looks.
    “Are we talking about the same person because he’s drop dead gorgeous and seems like a real nice guy under all that broody crap he has going on,’’ I ask looking at her. Her eyes go wide with disbelief, like she can’t believe I could even think it, which has me more confused than I was to begin with.
    “Are you freaking serious Harlow? Davis has been glaring over here for the past half an hour staring daggers into your head. I’m sure if he could throw a dagger at your head he would too. Did you not listen to a word I said to you about him yesterday?’’ she hisses.
    “Davis?’’ I ask wide eyed, looking over my shoulder to his seat. He is in fact shooting daggers at me, his face morphing into pure rage when my eyes lock with his. A cold shiver runs through me and I look away from him. “I thought you were on about someone else,’’ I rush out wanting her to know I’d never have a good thing to say about that boy.
    “Oh thank God for that. You had me seriously freaking worried then. Wait, who were you on about?’’ she asks eyeing me suspiciously.
    I can’t help

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