
Free Awakened by Ednah Walters

Book: Awakened by Ednah Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ednah Walters
steady gaze. “If this is not about Tariel, then this boy is a demon scout. Using you to reach me only makes him more suspicious.”

    I shook my head. “He’s not a demon, Grampa.”

    “You’re new to your powers. How would you know what he is or is not?”

    I pulled out my amulet from under my top and dangled it. “The jadeite didn’t work on him.”

    If Grampa was surprised I knew about the amulet’s powers, he didn’t show it. “He could have found some way to become immune to it. Demons are crafty.”

    I let out my breath in a whoosh, as doubts seeped in. Images of how Bran had looked, all banged up and scruffy-looking, flashed in my head. “He’s scared… terrified of something.”

    Grampa scratched his chin, frowning. “A scout would be terrified of being caught, I suppose. How do you know what he feels?”

    Something in his voice told me he already knew the truth. I swallowed and forced myself to tell him about our meeting. “When I saw him today, he touched my hand and I felt his emotions. He’s terrified. He also had cut lips, bruises all over his face, a ripped shirt. I think he fought with someone, and then slept in the streets. He smelled awful.” I wrinkled my nose at the memory.

    “I see.”

    I rolled my eyes. “Is that all you’re going to say? Aren’t you going to yell at me for disobeying you and talking to him?”

    “I don’t yell. Finish your cereal.”

    I pushed my bowl aside, my appetite gone. “We must help him, Grampa.”

    He didn’t respond.

    “I didn’t mean to talk to him. It happened so fast. One minute I was opening my locker, the next he was there. But we weren’t alone. There were lots of students around.”

    “But he touched you.”

    “Accidentally. He showed me a scar on his chest and said he’ll be in the valley if you want to meet with him.”

    Grampa stared at me for a few moments without speaking, then sighed.

    “Well? Aren’t you going to retrieve the images from my head?” I asked.

    “For starters, you shouldn’t have talked to him. I keep telling you, he may be dangerous. Second, you can’t be involved in this investigation anymore.” His eyes drifted past me, dismissing me, and anger surged through me.

    “Why not?”

    He got up. “You’re not a Cardinal Guardian, Lil. It takes decades to become one. You’re not even a trainee yet. And from what you told me last night, you’re not sure you want to help people.”

    My jaw dropped open. “That’s not fair. I didn’t ask for my powers or for Bran to approach me.”

    “No, you didn’t.”

    “But the fact that he did means I’m involved.”

    “Not anymore.” He took a step away from the table.

    I grabbed his arm. “But Bran wants me involved. He told me about his family needing help, showed me his scar. It’s shaped just like my amulet, similar to the ones Sykes, Remy, Kim and Izzy wear.” When Grampa frowned, I let go of his hand. “I met them at school today, talked to them. They showed me theirs.”

    “Kim and Izzy?”

    “Isadora and Pilar. They prefer to be called Izzy and Kim.”

    Grampa scowled. “You discussed what Bran told you with them?”

    “Of course not. We just talked about when they got their powers and stuff. But from what they said, only Cardinals wear the six-pointed star amulet, which means Bran’s a Guardian trainee. There must be a trainee missing somewhere.”

    Grampa laughed, continuing on to his bedroom. “I’d know if one was missing.”


    “No, Lil. Stay out of this.” His black eyes flashed, his lips pressed in an uncompromising thin line.

    I knew that look. It meant he wouldn’t change his mind. “Okay, I’ll stay out of your investigation. But at least take a look at the images in my memory.”

    He shook his head. “I already did. You need to make up your mind whether you want to be a trainee or a Civilian. If you don’t want to be either, I’ll send you to live in Xenith.” He stopped by his

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