The Boy Who Paints Me
kids Elle and Bessie,” she said as she pointed towards a thin brown haired man who was sat in a chair with his arm draped around a very attractive blonde lady with brown eyes. Two cute little girls with piggy tails in their blonde hair were sat on the floor, in front of them. They all waved at me with huge smiles on their faces. I returned the wave and listened as she continued to introduce me to the whole room. We finally got to the last few people. “Ok, so that’s my dad but you saw him at the diner already, that beautiful woman there is my mama and that egotistical maniac over there is my brother. I would introduce you to my sister but she’s too busy playing in her room with all her friends,” she chuckled. I don’t know why but for the first time, I noticed the southern twang in Megan’s accent. I liked it.
    “Hey, I’m Callum,” the tall guy – who Megan introduced as her brother - with the same brown hair that Megan had, said as he walked up to me with his hand stretched out.
    “Hi,” I replied as I shook it.
    “Hey, Lei,” he said as he walked behind me to talk to Leighton. 
    “What a pleasure to meet you, Rainie, I’m Lena,” Megan’s mom said as she wrapped her arms around me. Great, they’re all huggers.
    “Nice to meet you,” I replied once I was finally released.
    “Ain’t she pretty, Mama?” Megan asked as she looked from me to her mom.
    “Beautiful, you look just like your Aunty Sarah. Now, Megan, stop scaring the poor girl and take her next door, to mingle with some people her own age,” she said as she raised her eyebrows at her daughter. I could tell they were close, I missed that.
    “Yes, Mama, come on, Rainie,” she said before pulling me across the hall into another room, with less people. Thank, God.
    “Hey, girls, this is Rainie. Rainie, that there is Layla,” she said as she pointed towards a girl with short hair that was as dark as mine. She was very slim with no curves. She wore glasses and a yellow summer dress.
    “Hey, Rainie, nice to meet you,” she said as she smiled at me and moved her bangs out of her eyes.
    “And that one down there, who is putting on my lip gloss like she owns the dang thing, is Caroline!” She said before releasing my hand so that she could snatch the tube out of her grasp.
    “Oh, calm down, you’re always using mine,” Caroline replied as she and Layla chuckled. “Hey, Rainie, I’m Caroline, the fun one,” she beamed, taking my hand in hers as she flicked her red hair over her shoulder. Great, she wasn’t a hugger.
    “You’ll get used to these two. They fight like cat and dog. Can’t live with each other and can’t live without,” Layla giggled as she patted the space on the floor next to her.
    “Of course not, my little Megan Wegan loves me, right?” Caroline said as she pouted her lips and giggled.
    “Oh shut your cake hole, woman,” Megan replied, causing us all to burst out laughing. How did I not notice her accent before?
    “So, Megan here said that you came with Leighton,” Layla said as a big smile filled her face.
    “Erm, yeah,” I replied nervously.
    “Don’t look so nervous, she just has a huge crush on him and she’s jealous,” Caroline said before Lalya stuck her tongue out at her very childishly.
    “Who doesn’t, have you seen Leighton lately?” Megan added.
    “Oh, I’ve seen him! He’s like the cheery on top of every good pie!” Caroline responded, causing all the girls to cackle. It was funny but I didn’t want them to suspect anything so I was doing my best not to react.
    “We’re just friends,” I defended quickly.
    “Mmm hmm,” Caroline said as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.
    “Really, we only met a few days ago,” I said nervously.
    “Who cares, Romeo and Juliet only met one night and that didn’t stop them from falling in love, right?” Caroline replied with a huge

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