Red Moon

Free Red Moon by Elizabeth Kelly

Book: Red Moon by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
faeries, sending them tumbling and scattering across the road. 
He turned and pulled the faerie that was pinning Maya down, away from
her.  With a fierce snarl, he bit into the faerie’s face, pulling and
tearing the flesh off as the faerie shrieked and beat weakly at the wolf’s
head.  There was a loud crunching noise as the wolf bit through the
faerie’s skull, and the faerie went limp.
    “We’ll kill you werewolf!”
    The white wolf twisted to see the other three faeries
hovering above him.  He bared his teeth as they fell on him, snapping and
twisting as they pinned him down and began to stab him with their spears.
    Avery was nearly there, the rock raised above her head, when
hard hands suddenly grabbed her arm and she was yanked off her feet.  The
rock tumbled to the ground as a faerie, its wings flapping and cutting through
the air, grinned down at her.
    She screamed and reached up with her other arm, sinking her
nails into the scaly arm of the creature.  It gave its own scream of
surprise and dropped her.  She hit the ground hard; the breath was knocked
from her and she rolled on to her back, staring dazedly at the grey sky above
    The faerie’s face appeared above her as he landed on her
soft body with a hard thud.  “I’ve never tried a Red, I haven’t.”  He
giggled and winked at her.  “I bet you taste delicious.”
    He leaned over her, and Avery gagged as his hot and fetid
breath washed over her.  “I’m going to enjoy this dearie.”  It
    As it opened its mouth wide and inhaled, there was a flash
of grey and the faerie was knocked backwards.  Before it could rise to its
feet, Tristan was crouching over it. 
    The faerie had time to whisper weakly, “No, please….” before
Tristan ripped its throat out.
    Avery gasped for breath.  She lay on her back, staring
wide-eyed into the sky as the large grey wolf approached her.  It whined
softly, and she reached out a trembling hand and lightly stroked the side of
its face.
    “Tristan?”  She whispered.  He licked her hand and
she closed her eyes, forcing herself to take long, deep breaths.  There
was a soft popping noise and then she felt Tristan’s hand, warm and familiar,
on her belly.
    “Avery, are you hurt?”  She shook her head and opened
her eyes, smiling weakly at him as he helped her into a sitting position.
    “Maya?”  She whispered.
    “She’s fine.  We’ve destroyed the faeries but we need
to get – “
    “Marshall!”  Maya’s soft scream made them both look,
and then Tristan was yanking her to her feet and nearly carrying her across the
    Maya was kneeling next to Marshall’s naked body as an
equally naked Jeffrey and Leo crouched helplessly next to them.
    “He’s not healing.  Why isn’t he healing?  They
did not administer the kiss!”  Jeffrey gave Tristan a look of panic as
Tristan took Marshall’s cold hand.
    “There are too many wounds.  The spears carry their own
    Avery looked at Marshall’s body.  He had been stabbed
multiple times with the spears of the faeries, and each wound was oozing a
foul-smelling yellow liquid.
    “He saved Nicholas and I.”  Maya whispered
    “Marshall, can you hear me?”  Tristan squeezed
Marshall’s hand and although they could see the slow rise of his chest, he
neither moved nor responded.
    “What do we do?”  Leo had left and returned with pants
for all three of them, and a blanket for Marshall.  Mrs. Lanning and the
other women approached and she gave Tristan a hard look.
    “You know what we need to do, Lord Tristan.  He will
not survive this, even with his Lycan healing powers.  It is cruel to
leave him to suffer this way.”
    Tristan cursed vehemently, bowing his head as Maya looked at
    “Avery, please.”  She begged softly.
    Avery knelt next to Tristan, putting one hand on his arm.
“My lord, I may be able to help him.  Will you let me?”
    He looked at her, confusion in his eyes.  “What

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