
Free Hardball by V.K. Sykes

Book: Hardball by V.K. Sykes Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.K. Sykes
nose. “Thanks a bunch for reminding me of that highlight. But hey, when you get married, you can hire a designer to make you a gown that looks just like that.”
    Shaking her head, Holly moved away from the display case. “You might be waiting a long time for any wedding of mine.” She had never had any fantasies about a fairy-tale wedding. Or any wedding, for that matter. She’d always hoped for a steady, committed relationship with a man. Probably a workaholic professional—most likely another medical specialist—who would understand how committed she was to her work. But the classic two kids, big house in a high-tone suburb, his and hers SUV’s and endless soccer practices had never been part of her plan.
    “Oh, stop it,” Rebecca retorted, catching up with her. “You’re beautiful, brilliant, and a wildly successful professional. Plus, you’re so darn nice. What more could a guy want? Trust me. Your prince will come along in good time.”
    “I’m not looking for a prince, Rebecca,” Holly said quietly. “And I’m not looking for a magic kingdom. I think my father was a prince, yet he and my mother made each other completely miserable for decades. It derailed my mother’s career, remember? Sometimes I think it’s a miracle she ever recovered.”
    Rebecca sighed. “True enough. And I guess I’m not exactly the poster girl for happily ever after, am I?”
    Holly winced as guilt shafted through her. Why did discussions of love and marriage almost always turn into such downers?
    “Walker was an idiot to leave you,” she said, wrapping a comforting arm around her friend’s shoulders.
    Rebecca gave a little snort. “He was. But now I wish he’d done it four years earlier.”
    Holly gave her a little squeeze before letting go. Rebecca had been so devastated by her divorce that she had quit her job. But now she finally seemed to be getting back on track, with a new executive position at a growing high-tech company. Holly was thrilled for her, but she couldn’t imagine any situation—or man—worth blowing up her career for. The very thought of it made her feel almost queasy. After living through the meltdown of her parents’ marriage, surely no one could blame her.
    “Enough about my sordid past,” Rebecca said in a cheery voice. “What about you? Have you met any interesting guys since you moved up here?”
    Holly had been expecting the question, and still wasn’t sure how to answer. Oddly, she felt reluctant to tell Rebecca about Nate Carter. She didn’t think it had anything to do with his being a professional athlete—surely she wasn’t that much of a snob—but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
    Oh, what the hell. “Actually, I did meet an interesting guy,” she said cautiously.
    Rebecca arched her perfect brows. “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. Let’s have it.”
    “He’s just a guy I ran into at the hospital.” Holly tried to sound off-handed. “A baseball player, actually. He visits kids there when he has time off.”
    “Wow, I like him already. One of the Patriots?”
    Holly nodded. “Yes.”
    Rebecca looked exasperated. “Do I have to pry his name out of you?”
    “No, no. It’s Nate Carter. I gather he’s kind of a big deal here in Philly.”
    Her friend stopped in her tracks. “Oh my God, Holly, are you freaking kidding me?” she shrieked. “Nate Carter’s a superstar. Like, mega-big. And he’s just about the hottest guy in the whole city, too.” She gave a tiny hop, like a little girl. “I can’t believe this. Nate Carter. God, he’s so totally gorgeous.”
    An older woman dripping in diamonds glared at them, clearly annoyed by Rebecca’s outburst. Holly gave her an apologetic smile and dragged her friend around a corner.
    “Yes, I have to say I did notice that about him,” she responded dryly. “But let’s not get too excited.”
    Rebecca was unrepentant. “Oh, my God, Nate Carter! Nate Carter and Holly Bell!”
    Holly bit back a very

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