Burned 2

Free Burned 2 by S.C. Rosemary, S.N. Hawke

Book: Burned 2 by S.C. Rosemary, S.N. Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.C. Rosemary, S.N. Hawke
could be an end to this family table lunch-Dad could be missing…forever. It was just not fair. Why would this happen? Dad had been the kindest person I ever knew. Even when he was the one who got ill, he still tried his best to take care of Mom and me. We were all fighting so hard, not accepting the misfortune that was crashing down on us. I had wanted to quit school and help around the house but Dad rejected, saying I had a bright future and shouldn’t be staying. He just didn’t know how bleak and pointless I felt about the future if he wouldn’t be there.  “Oh…” Shit, I had been zooming out with tears holding in my eyes. I quickly blinked them down. The last thing I wanted my Dad to see was me crying.
    “Back to the subject, cookie jar,” Dad cleared his throat. “This boy you brought with you…”
    “Yeah?” I was nervous again. I didn’t know why. I brought Ethan with me to make my Dad happy. I was afraid that Dad didn’t like him.
    “I don’t like him,” Dad dropped the words.
    “What…” I felt the floor started to crack and the earth was going to swallow me down to its very core.
    “I don’t know how to put this, Dana,” Dad just sighed. “I just don’t see that guy has his heart for you. He is not very genuine, even at a young age.”
    “What do you mean?” I asked carefully. Shit, Dad really didn’t like Ethan. He even addressed him as “ that guy” instead of his name. I knew Ethan and I were far from lovey-dovey. But he kept asking me out and invited me to meet his parents. It must mean something?
    “Do you know why I always knew where you hid the cookie jars?” Dad’s tone was softened but he wasn’t going to drop this conversation.
    “Why?” I didn’t know why he mentioned it now. I really didn’t care how he found them. I cared more about why he didn’t like Ethan. I glanced at Ethan for a millisecond. He seemed to be having fun chatting with Mom. He was handsome as always with the afternoon sunlight shining on his golden hair. My heart raced at the very sight. Why would anyone not like him?
    “I was reading your face, searching your eyes,” Dad explained. “Every time I was close to the jars, it was all written on your face. Then all I had to do was following your eyes,” he smiled proudly. “I have been rea ding people since I got in the special forces. I am seldom wrong. This guy is hiding something. Trust me, Cookie Jar.”
    “Dad, I always trust you,” I looked down at my shoes. My insides were fighting. I was so conflicted. I brought Ethan here to make Dad happy. But Dad wasn’t happy. I should just get Ethan out of the house and break up with him, right? As simple as that.
    Except that I couldn’t. And I didn’t want to.
    “He can’t protect you,” Dad’s tone was all concerned and heavy. I was not a little girl who always fell down the stairs anymore. And what year was it now? I was in college and working hard. I didn’t need anyone to worry about me.
    “I can take care of myself, Dad,” before I realized it, I was giving him the frowny-face. When I looked at him, disappointment was written all over his face. “Give me some time to think about it, Okay, Dad?” I didn’t know what I was doing. I was still shocked that Dad didn’t like Ethan. I kept thinking I chose to go out with Ethan because it was the right thing to do and it would make everyone happy. And now my father had objected him but I wasn’t ready to let Ethan go.  Ah, that just made me hate myself. I felt like I had betrayed Dad somehow. Worse, I felt like I had wronged Ethan, too. Why did I have to make this boyfriend thing so real? Now even the pain in my chest felt real and heavy.
    Dad sighed and shook his head. He patted my shoulder gently. I was surprised that he didn’t get mad. Usually, Dad wouldn’t take “no” or the sort for an answer. “You are my daughter. You do what is best, okay?”
    I looked down at my shoes again. I was burning a hole into my toes. Was

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