Emily's Story

Free Emily's Story by D'Elen McClain

Book: Emily's Story by D'Elen McClain Read Free Book Online
Authors: D'Elen McClain
Tags: Romance, Vampires
    Multiple sudden loud knocks coming from the front door sounded through the house.
    Instant crushing fear sent her running for the back bedroom. Escape, it was all she could think of.
    Brandt missed grabbing her by a hair. Using the key from his pocket, he walked over and unbolted the front door. Samson stood patiently, stern faced and holding a large wooden framed Cheval mirror.
    “How are the lovebirds this morning?” Unable to hold his facial muscles still any longer, he burst out laughing. “I’m glad to see you survived the night. Why do you want the mirror?”
    Grinning, Brandt grabbed the monstrosity from his friend’s hands. “Wouldn’t you just love to know?” He kicked the door closed with a satisfying thump and Samson’s laughter slowly faded. Carrying his gift to the bedroom, he passed the closet where he knew she was hiding. He sat the mirror in the corner of the room and opened the window’s curtains wide. He then left the room to turn up the music even more. When he came back, she wasn’t in the closet or standing in front of the mirror, she was looking with heartfelt longing at what lay beyond the window.
    “I’d love to take you out but I think we should hold off a day or two. The mirror is so you can look at your wolf form without falling down.” His voice teased gently and it surprised him when she answered.
    “My demon will kill you.”
    “No, you might try but I won’t die easily. You can control your wolf; it’s not a demon that does the killing.” He had no idea how to get through to her so he let instinct be his guide. “We need to talk but it’s hard because I don’t know your name. Sit in the chair for me.”
    Turning away from the window, she immediately sat in the chair by the mirror.
    Finally, it dawned on him; she did what he said if he didn’t ask and only commanded. Swallowing his ire, he closed his eyes for a split second to gain control. No alpha should be this broken. It killed him but he needed information. “What is your name?”
    Dropping her head in submission she whispered, “Emily.”
    “Do you know how old you are?”
    “Do you know what you are?”
    No hesitation, “The devil’s child.”
    His voice thickened but he spoke slowly and evenly, “No Emily, you are a werewolf, a species of beastkind. Your wolf is beautiful, you are beautiful. Kinsee, the child we saw yesterday, is also beastkind. She is sweet and funny and would love to be your friend, but you scared her.” His voice grew firm, “We don’t believe in demons. There are over a hundred werewolves here and thousands around the world. We don’t harm humans unless they try to harm us. Many stay separate but some of us live among humans if we choose. The wolves here belong to my pack; I am their leader, their alpha. This is where you are safe and where you can let your wolf free.” He waited but she would not meet his gaze. He began removing his clothing. “Look at me Emily.”
    Ocean blue eyes cautiously traveled upwards, his body; muscled strength, alluring, so different, so perfect. His deep penetrating gaze caught and held hers. In a blink, a large black wolf replaced the man. She scrambled out of the chair but the beast stepped between her and the door. Gasping for air, trying to control her terror, she remembered the black demon’s first attack; chasing her down, sinking his teeth into her leg, the pain and the terror. But mostly she thought of it as God’s retribution for killing her mother.
    He took one step in her direction and then another.
    Frozen, she could not move.
    Linking with her mind, he ordered, “Sit down.” Her backside suddenly met the chair.
    Another step closer, her shaking hands fisted in her lap.
    Using his snout he nudged her fingers and softened his tone “Release your hands Emily.” Her fingers untangled and his wet nose sniffed her palm. “Touch me.” He didn’t think she would.
    Finally, trembling fingers ran over his long nose.

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