Pinheads and Patriots

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Authors: Bill O'Reilly
that these sanctions are going to stop the nutty mullahs from making a nuclear weapon? Anyone? Al Franken?
    No, Iran will suffer some financial inconvenience but still produce those nukes so that they can threaten other countries with them—and perhaps also develop a nasty “dirty bomb” to be handed over to a terrorist kill team.
    In other words, we are in exactly the same place with Iran that we were two years ago when I spoke with the President. If Barack Obama has a “plan B,” it is being kept well under wraps. As you just read, he did not want to tip his hand back then, nor is he tipping it now. The result: Iran will get a nuclear weapon soon. The only thing that could prevent that from happening is an Israeli military strike to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities. But the consequences of an attack on Iran would be bloody and severe, perhaps even leading to a world war. That’s what is keeping Obama from setting up any strong backup plans like a naval blockade. The nasty mullahs well understand that America and most other nations do not want the world economy devastated by violence. So they confidently continue enriching uranium, daring the world to stop them.
    O’Reilly: All right, let’s go to Iraq. I think history will show it’s the wrong battlefield, okay? And I think that you were perspicacious in your original assessment of the battlefield.
    Obama: And I appreciate that.
    O’Reilly: But I think you were desperately wrong on the surge. And I think you should admit it to the nation, that now wehave defeated the terrorists—in Iraq—and they—that al-Qaeda came there, after we invaded—as you know, okay?
    Obama: Right. Absolutely right.
    O’Reilly: And we defeated them.
    Obama: Right.
    O’Reilly: If we didn’t, they would have used it as a staging ground.
    Obama: Yes.
    O’Reilly: We have also inhibited Iran from controlling the southern part of Iraq—by the surge—which you did not support. So why won’t you say, “I was right in the beginning, and I was wrong about that”?
    Obama: You know, if, if you have, if you have listened to what I have said—and I’ll, and I’ll repeat it right here on this show—I think that there is no doubt that the violence is down. I believe that that is a testimony to the troops that were sent and General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker. I think that the surge has succeeded…in ways that nobody anticipated—by the way, including President Bush and the other supporters. Now, it has gone very well, partly because of the Anbar situation—
    O’Reilly: The awakening, right.
    Obama: —and the, the Sunni awakening—partly because the, the Shia—
    O’Reilly: Well, if it were up to you, there wouldn’t have been a surge—
    Obama: Well, look—
    O’Reilly: No, no, no, no.
    Obama: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
    O’Reilly: Look, if it were up to you, there wouldn’t have been a surge.
    Obama: No, no, no, no.
    O’Reilly: You and Joe Biden—
    Obama: No.
    O’Reilly: —no surge.
    Obama: Hold on a second, Bill. If you look at the debate that was taking place, we had gone through five years of mismanagement of this war that I thought was disastrous. And the President wanted to double down and continue on an open-ended policy that did not create the kinds of pressure on the Iraqis to take responsibility and reconcile—
    O’Reilly: Well—
    Obama: Well, look, that—
    O’Reilly: Come on—
    Obama: Well, what I have said is—I have already said, it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.
    O’Reilly: Right. So why can’t you just say, “I was right in the beginning, and I was wrong about the surge”?
    Obama: Because there is an underlying problem with what we have done. We have reduced the violence—
    O’Reilly: Yeah?
    Obama: But the Iraqis still haven’t taken

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