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Book: Illicit by Opal Carew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Opal Carew
thumbs brushed over her sensitive nipples, sending heat thrumming through her.
    The muscles along Connor’s arms and shoulders strained as his face contorted in pleasure. He groaned as Travis sucked him hard, then collapsed on the deck, panting. Lindsay murmured at the erotic sensation of Erik stroking her nipples through the cloth as Travis pushed himself out of the water and sat on the deck beside Connor.
    Erik shifted his chair to face the pool and guided her into his lap. She watched Travis stroke his hand over Connor’s rippled abs. Erik cupped her breasts as he held her close. Connor sat up and grabbed Travis’ cock and stroked. Erik’s thumbs gliding over her nipples sent sparks careening through her.
    Connor’s mouth covered Travis’ cock, then the big shaft disappeared inside him. She arched back against Erik. His hand skimmed over her ribs toward her hip, then stroked over the crotch of her shorts. Oh, God, she wanted to feel his fingers against her opening. He stroked more firmly and she could feel the slickness between her legs.
    “Are you wet?” He murmured the question against her ear, his breath stirring wisps of hair at her temple.
    She nodded and tucked her hand between them to graze the tip of his hard bulge. “And you’re hard as a rock.”
    He chuckled. “What do you expect with your sexy body against me like this?”
    “And those two hard bodies over there getting it on.” She watched Connor bob up and down on Travis, the hard shaft of flesh filling Connor’s mouth each time.
    “Too true.” He flicked her nipple, eliciting a gasp from her.
    Her eyelids fell closed as he squeezed both nipples through the cloth. Her head fell back against his chest and she arched her pelvis. He glided one hand down her ribs and stroked her aching opening again. Damn, there was too much cloth in the way.
    “Hey, that’s a fucking sexy show.”
    At Connor’s voice, she opened her eyes. He stood in front of her, naked and dripping wet, Travis beside him. Both their cocks were fully erect.
    God, she had three hunky men panting over her, ready and willing to grant her every sexual whim.
    Her gaze ran over their bulging erections and excitement swelled through her. She’d made her decision to give herself this weekend to be wild and crazy. To indulge her wickedest fantasies with these wildly sexy men.
    But she didn’t know how to get started. She felt awkward and unsure of herself.
    As if sensing her uncertainty, Erik tipped her face toward him, then his lips meshed with hers.
    Heat flashed through her and her inner passage clenched. She longed for his cock to be inside her, within the grip of her tightly squeezing internal muscles. His tongue glided along the seam of her mouth and she opened, then her tongue dodged out to meet his. They tangled together, and she twisted around in his lap. His hand glided up her ribs and he cupped her breast again. Her fingers glided through his short hair and she murmured as sweet yearning pulsed through her.
    When he released her mouth, she drew in a deep breath, then grabbed the hem of her camisole and tugged it over her head. Then she reached behind her and unfastened her bra and let the straps slide from her shoulders. All she had to do was peel it away and they would see her naked breasts and her swollen nipples. But she hesitated, suddenly feeling too brash.
    Erik nuzzled her neck, sending tingles along her spine, then he trailed one fingertip along the lacy edge of her bra, over her tingling flesh. He tucked an index finger under each strap and gazed at her. Waiting. She nodded and he peeled the bra from her breasts. His gaze dropped to her rigid nipples.
    He lifted her from his lap and settled her on the lounge chair beside them.
    “You look really cold.” He kissed her shoulder, then glided downward.
    As his lips covered her left nipple, she gasped. His hot mouth felt incredible on her.
    Immediately, Travis stepped forward. “I would love to touch you.”

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