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Book: Illicit by Opal Carew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Opal Carew
God, this was it. The first step to letting all three of them make love to her.
    She gazed up at his chocolate-brown eyes, filled with need, and nodded.
    He dropped in front of her and dragged his fingertip over her swollen nipple. She moaned softly at his gentle touch. He smiled and leaned forward to lick her nub, then draw it into his mouth. Both Erik and Travis licked and sucked and she moaned at the intense sensations throbbing through her. Her head fell back and she gazed at Connor, standing a few feet away, his hard cock in his hand. She licked her lips as she watched him. He smiled and stepped toward her.
    Both men at her breasts began to suck and she moaned again. She longed to touch Connor’s marble-hard cock, so she wrapped her hand around it. He stepped closer and she drew it to her mouth, then pressed the hot tip to her lips. Someone’s hand glided down her leg to her knee, then stroked up again, along her inner thigh. Lindsay opened her mouth and swirled her tongue over Connor’s cock-head, then she wrapped her lips around his shaft as he pushed inside.
    Someone unfastened her shorts and pushed them down to her ankles. She kicked them away. The fingers gliding up her thigh found her panties and stroked over her crotch. Lightly. She arched against the fingers, wanting more. They stroked more firmly, then glided along her slit. She squeezed Connor’s cock in her mouth. When more fingers glided to her panties, then slid underneath and dipped into her moistness, she sucked on the big cock in her mouth, her hand stroking its length.
    “Sweet thing,” Travis said, “you are so frigging wet.”
    She felt hands tug at the elastic of her panties and she lifted her butt so they could peel them away. The men grasped her thighs and drew her forward. Connor pushed a little deeper into her mouth and she squeezed him with her lips and her hand.
    She almost jumped when she felt lips nuzzle her navel, then move downward. When the mouth nuzzled her folds and a tongue pushed against her clit, she moaned, Connor’s penis slipping from her mouth. She tried to draw it back in, but he moved away.
    “It’s okay, doll. I’d rather watch you come.”
    “Oh, God.” She arched her pelvis upward, toward the hungry mouth, as her gaze fell to her lap. It was Erik feasting on her.
    Travis winked at her, then her eyes fell closed as Erik sucked on her clit. Pleasure trembled through her. His fingers stroked along her slit, then two glided inside her. She squeezed them tightly, wishing it was a cock in there. But then he lapped at her clit again, and sucked. Joyful sensations blossomed within her, and an orgasm shuddered through her.
    She realized she was holding his head firmly against her, her fingers gliding through his short-cropped hair. She released him, gazing at him with wide eyes. She couldn’t believe this sexy police officer, and his roommates, were making love to her.
    *   *   *
    Erik stood up, then took Lindsay’s hand and drew her to her feet. He grabbed a condom from the bowl on the table. They’d put a bowl of colorful condoms out here and in the living room so they’d be handy over the weekend. He opened the packet and rolled it on, then walked toward her, anxious to feel her soft body against him. To feel her heat surrounding his hard, aching shaft. She watched him, her sweet blue eyes glazed and locked on his twitching erection.
    He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly to him, almost groaning at the feel of her soft breasts crushed against his chest, her bead-hard nipples pressing into him. He couldn’t help himself. He devoured her mouth, thrusting his tongue into her sweetness. Tasting her. Groaning as she sucked on his tongue, drawing it even deeper into her warmth.
    When he released her mouth, she gazed at him with longing.
    “Please fuck me, Officer.”
    Oh, God, he couldn’t have stopped himself if he’d wanted to. He backed her up to the lounge chair, then grabbed the long, flat

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