The Masterpiece (Work of Art #3)

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Book: The Masterpiece (Work of Art #3) by Ruth Clampett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Clampett
inch along up his leg, squeezing along the way.
    “Besides, do you think I liked all those women crowding around you, imagining what they’d like to do with you? Now that we’re discussing it, I’m angry too.”
    “Don’t start with me, Ava. I’m the one with the right to be angry here. I never wanted this fucking
    “How angry are you?” I slide my hand toward his inner thigh.
    He growls and his head falls back on the headrest. “Very angry.”
    He presses my hand between his legs where his arousal is abundantly evident, and I tighten my fingers around him.
    I smile and whisper in his ear. “So the idea of angry sex turns you on? I’ll tell you what…I may not be cooperative, so you may need to take control when we get upstairs.” I give him a wink.
    His eyes flash with wicked delight, and the corners of his mouth curl up just enough so that I know I’ve won this battle. I remove my hand right before the driver opens the door.
    Max places his hand on my ass and pushes. “Get out of the car, Ava. We have some business to attend to upstairs.”

Chapter Six / Friends and Lovers
    Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
    ~Pablo Picasso
    T hank God for wake up calls. I vaguely remember setting the alarm on my phone, but I have no memory of turning it off. We jump up and get ready quickly for our busy day.
    “Do you want to help with the dress fitting?” I tease, as we get in the car after our first interviews of the day.
    “If it could be just you and me…although my strength is in taking off the dresses, not putting them on.”
    I laugh and quickly change the subject before Paloma joins us.
    She scans through messages on her phone. “
, they are in your suite waiting for us, Ava. I’m sure he’ll have something fabulous and sexy for you.”
    Max gives me a dark look that could mean a lot of things. I choose to ignore him as I cross my legs and look out the window.
    I’d already brought my chocolate brown dress to wear, but if they want me to wear something for the home team, I’m more than willing…as long as I look good.
    Max will wear a tuxedo, and I need to look like I belong next to him. Even if no one here knows we’re together, I do, and I want him to be proud that I’m his girl.
    We part when the elevator stops on our floor. Paloma ushers me into the scene unfolding in my room. Antonio yells into his cell phone. I understand a fair amount of Spanish, but he’s speaking too quickly for me to follow what he’s saying. It can’t be good. Two assistants unpack the garments hanging on the metal rolling rack. As soon as Antonio sees us, he shuts off his phone and embraces us warmly.
    “Ava! Isn’t this exciting? We brought some wonderful choices, yes?” He points to the rack, where several beautiful dresses have been unwrapped.
    “Yes, I’m very excited! Thank you for doing this.”
yo quiero este
!” Paloma purrs, holding up a low-cut fitted floral gown.
    “I’ll take care of you later, my love. This is Ava’s moment.”
    “Well, try that one on first. I think it’s gorgeous.” She nods to me.
    I look around. Are they expecting me to disrobe in front of everyone?
    Paloma says, “Here, let’s go into the bedroom for privacy. I’ll help you.” She busies herself unzipping the gown while I disrobe. I lift up my arms to slide the dress over my head, but she shakes her head.
    “No bra.”
    Okay then.
This is awkward, but it isn’t the time to be modest, so I take off my bra and lift my arms up. Her eyes linger on my breasts a little long for my taste.
What is it with women always checking each other out?
I wonder about Max’s comment regarding Paloma paying me too much attention last night.
    Yes, they’re real, Ms. Paloma.
    I shimmy the dress down my sides and she carefully zips it up. The floral design has a soft feel of colors blending…almost like an O’Keeffe painting.
    I turn to the mirror. The dress fits like a

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