Insider (Exodus End #1)

Free Insider (Exodus End #1) by Olivia Cunning Page A

Book: Insider (Exodus End #1) by Olivia Cunning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Cunning
Tags: Book 1, Exodus End World Tour
an hour ago she’d been a virgin, so why not? “Sure,” she said.
    He pulled out and climbed to his feet. He moved his hand to remove the condom and froze. He had blood—Toni’s blood—all over him.
    “Are you on your period? I wish you would have told me. We could have at least covered the sofa with a towel.”
    She should have just continued with her string of lies and gone with yes, I’m on my period, I’m menstruating like a son of a bitch today , but instead she shook her head, fighting the ridiculous tears that were suddenly stinging her eyes. “No, that’s not it.”
    Logan’s face twisted with horror. “You’re a virgin?” It was more an accusation than a question.
    “Was,” she whispered.
    The man should start a new Olympic sport—speed dressing. He’d definitely win the gold. Before she could even apologize for misleading him, he was gone.
    Toni rolled onto her side and curled her body into a little ball. What was done was done. She wasn’t going to let herself cry over this. Much.


    Logan darted into the bathroom and scrubbed the traces of Toni’s blood from his body. A virgin? How could she possibly have been a virgin? She was at least twenty-five. Gorgeous women in their midtwenties with huge tits were not virgins. He was sure of it.
    He’d seen the signs, though. So easily believed her lies when she told him her skittishness was an act. Hell, those actions had turned him on and made his dick so hard he could have used it to mine for diamonds. He couldn’t deny it.
    “Fuck,” he growled under his breath.
    Now what was he supposed to do? Toni was supposed to tour with them for a month. He wouldn’t even be able to look her in the eye. Those big, innocent eyes. His cock stirred just thinking about the way she looked at him with those sweet, trusting eyes.
    “Absolutely not,” he said to his crotch. “None of that. That pussy is off limits.”
    At the thought of being buried in Toni’s oh-so-tight pussy, his cock twitched with renewed interest. He groaned. This was so not good. He was terrible at telling his cock to behave itself. Didn’t matter how much the little head got him into trouble, it ruled him and he knew it. He’d just have to find himself some nice substitute pussy to distract the little head from that sweet virgin he’d just defiled.
    Beer. He needed beer. He dried himself with a towel. All traces of her blood were now gone, but he could still smell the scent of her body on his skin. He considered taking a shower, but he liked that reminder of her. And he wasn’t going to delve into the reasons why. He should probably be angry with her for misleading him, but in actuality he felt like a total douche for taking advantage of her.
    Outwardly decent but inwardly cringing, he left the bathroom and headed to the refrigerator. He paused at the refrigerator door, his hand on the handle, and stared at the sliding doors that he’d closed as he fled the back lounge. He wondered if she was okay. Maybe he should check on her. Nah, she probably preferred some time to herself. Or maybe he was a freaking coward. Beer would help remedy that malady.
    “An hour,” Steve said. “You beat your own predicted time.”
    It took Logan a moment to realize he was talking about how Logan had bet that he’d get into Toni’s panties within three hours. If he’d known then what he knew now . . . Had to play it up for the guys, though. He had a reputation to uphold. A reputation that currently made him sick to his stomach.
    He twisted the cap off a bottle of beer and took a long swallow before locating his wry grin and plastering it to his face. “I told you nice girls were easy.”
    “You do realize we have to maintain a working relationship with her,” Max said. “Sleeping with her wasn’t your brightest idea.”
    That was an understatement. Logan perched sideways on the sofa arm, resting his feet on the cushion, and took another swig of beer and another and another

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