Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5)

Free Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5) by Ciana Stone

Book: Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5) by Ciana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ciana Stone
cells. His dick doesn’t suddenly stop working or his ability to feed himself. I mean, what the hell is the big deal?”
    Riley blew out his breath. “I’ll tell you what the big deal is. Remember when Bobby first came to work for me and he was following you around like a puppy?”
    “Yeah, so?”
    “So you didn’t have any interest in him even though he was sure that the age difference didn’t matter.”
    “It wasn’t just the age and you know it. He was a kid when he showed up. This was his first time on his own and he didn’t have much life experience at all. He—”
    “That’s just it,” Riley interrupted. “Being older, you had more life experience and so he was inexperienced in comparison. Now, look at you and Riggs. He’s what, mid-forties or better?”
    “Probably, I guess.”
    “And you’re not yet thirty. He’s dang near old enough to be your father, and those are made up of a lot of years of life experience. He knows what it’s like to be in his prime, which are what your twenties through thirties are. And he knows what it’s like to hit his mid-forties and have things become not quite as easy as they were during the younger years. He has experience based on age that you don’t have and you won’t for a few years.”
    Cody snorted out her breath in frustration. “So you think the age difference matters that much?”
    “I’m saying it could. But let me ask you. What makes you think he’s the one anyway? Have you spent much time with him?”
    “I just know.”
    “You just know.”
    “Cody that’s—”
    “Your word not mine.”
    “Really? Well what happened when you first saw Annie?”
    “She fainted.”
    “You know what I mean. You saw her and…”
    “And was attracted to her.”
    “And wondered if she might not be the one.”
    “Well yeah, but that was different. We’d been communicating for better than a year so it’s not like we were complete strangers.”
    “True, but…” She looked down, trying to formulate her thoughts in order to express herself. After a few seconds she looked up. “Look, you can think I’m nuts, but the minute we looked at each other, I knew. He’s the one, Riley.”
    Riley’s gaze locked with hers and for a long moment, they just stood there. Finally, he smiled. “If you’re so sure, then why are you here, honey?”
    “Because you’re my best friend and I know you’ll be honest with me and…and I don’t want you to think less of me.”
    “Why would I?”
    “Because I don’t chase men and I don’t sleep around, but I’m about to do both.”
    Riley smiled and reached over to take her hand. “I’d never think less of you, Cody. You’re more than a friend to me and you know that. You’re family and I love you. I want you to be happy and you deserve to have someone to love and someone to love you back. So, to hell with what I or anyone else thinks. If he turns out to be the one, then you’ll find the happiness you deserve. And if not, well then he wasn’t Mr. Right. But nothing’s stopping you from finding out.”
    “I love you, Riley. Annie’s one lucky woman.”
    “Indeed she is.” He released her hand at the sudden neigh behind him. “Well, it looks like we’re about to meet someone new. Wanna stick around and help me name the baby?”
    “You know it.” Cody opened the door and eased into the stall. She was glad she’d come to see Riley. Not only had he helped her be comfortable with her decision, but he’d reminded her how lucky she was to have him for a friend.
    Roxie was pulling her hair back in a ponytail when she heard a knock at the door. Barefoot and dressed in cut-off gym shorts and a T-shirt, she ran to answer.
    Dini grinned at her, arms laden with bags from the local market and her overnight suitcase. It was girls’ night and they’d agreed to crash in Roxie’s room.
    “I hope that’s mojito makings,” Roxie said with a grin, peeking in the

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